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Everything posted by lee060

  1. is camping allowed sat night on pod grounds???
  2. keep the centers silver on the bbs's imo . hard to find a good bodyshop nowadays . forever messing ppl around they are . is the plan to go for a full respray?? what colour?? i like it in the colour it is imho
  3. lee060

    R36 Golf???

    DSG is crap anyway . why dont they do manual only range??
  4. ouch !! good your ok . hopefully you will be reunited with your beast soon!! out of interest , why a fiat? ps . im rooting for it to all work out for you , im really sorry i couldent doante as i am really really skint right now apprentice pay aint too great and take it easy matey . cyas at spring fest Liam
  5. Yep' date=' so as another bonus u can hear that vr roar even more : ) [/quote'] Just what i was thinking!!!
  6. sorry but i disagree about not gaining when OBD2's are chipped . its proven on the rollers , they work on both obd1 and obd2 ,its just , as you said there is more gain when doing obd1 . as for the cheap ebay chips . same as any chip at the end of the day just you have to fit it yourself . soldering inside the ECU if im not mistaken just my 2p . liam
  7. also it looks ten times better , never going to fall of like wrap and its more effective than wrap . they dont use it on 8000bhp drag cars for no reason Liam
  8. to an obd1 far as i know yes ^
  9. imo panel filter and drilled airbox , works a treat! hell of a lot cheaper aswell . still gives a great induction note!!!
  10. kk thanks for that matey . be gettin built back up tommorow , looking forward to seeing it running again . thanks again . Liam .
  11. kk in the process of doing the chains the Highline . becouse its been pikey'd i dont trust whats been done , coupe of quick questions i need to know before getting it back together tomorow . 1- the plates/covers alloy ones , (top one has the upper tensioner in it and the bottom one has the rear main oil seal) . is there a gasket for these?? or do i just use sealer?? 2- how do i cheak the condition of the bottom hydrolic tensioner ? been fun so far doin the chains ,many times more easier than me n dave were expecting (touch wood) certainly something we'd do again! bit peeved off with who eve
  12. which ones are the PD engines?? what year on like?? pd130 pd150 ect ect
  13. wrote it off last week by going through a hegde sideways then rolling after losing the back end. gutted tbh back on the fookin bus ... well until i find a GT one the plus side cheak out the crack in the o/s b pillar surly that aint good?? whats been fitted badly there?? also im puttin some pics up of daves new mulberry Highline!! fukin bargin!! (bottom two , i would of got more if i had enuf space on the camera) and the Vr buety!! Mod Edit to Resize Pictures Moderator edit by: TheGoth
  14. LoL already found a good enuf reason to , look whats written on his shirt .
  15. one reason why not to drive quickly in the wet even more so on the ring . which ironicly i learnt the hard way not to drive quick in the wet recently .
  16. i preffer chrome on older cars , a little under the bonnet on newer ones adn wheels too . but its an easy way to mess up . do not use too much :S . just imo . Liam
  17. he just kept on turning when it started to understeer . if im not mistaken that aint wise
  18. lee060

    True ??

    LoL i like i like!!
  19. its hideous!! ppl should be banned from owning dubs if thats what they do to em
  20. if im not mistaken 12k for that con R32 is a f***** steal , if i had the $$$ i would snap his hand off !!!! at the end of the day its your choice , they dont come along like that very often . if you can put up with waiting . r32's are dropping in price by the day give it a couple of years they will be dirt cheap . your choice ..
  21. thats norm matey , steam becomes more noticble in cold conditions . liam
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