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Everything posted by dellert

  1. £28 from stealers, black with vw logo on drivers
  2. One thing that concerned me about him was, when i asked him wether he changed clutch and water pump and stuff like that as a matter of course or not his reply was "We do them if they need doing", which to my mind is a bit odd. If the lump is on a bench you do them whatever so long as they are more than a week old!!
  3. Quick question to anyone that has had a 2.8 rebuilt, presumably you get them back as a 2.9? Also, where did you go? what did they do? how much did it cost? I spoke to a local chap that rebuilds VR6 engines, he buys his engines in from Holland and then he just fits them, alternatively you can have your own lump rebuilt but it takes longer, obviously! Think I would rather keep my own lump, but just wanted to know what others have done, preparation for when the time comes!!! Thanks !lol
  4. Like I said just as good second time around, and third and .........
  5. Youre a bit late old boy! Been ther done that in "unpimp ze auto" !!! Still good second time round though!
  6. Bet bout half of them have gone to the big VW Badge in the sky by now though!!! my guess would be still 7000 VR6 lumps but only bout 3 1/2k still in the original car!
  7. You the only man brave enough to have a VR6 in Ipswich!!I try to get my Van in and out as fast as possible when I do jobs done there!!! There used to be a Golf meet in Norwich, used to see the GTI boys there might have been a few VR there too, but it was at a Pub car park and now the Pub has changed hands so dunno where it is now or if they even still do it?! Wouldnt wear your footie top though, if you know what i mean. Not into it myself so I dont care, but Blue and Yellow dont always mix! Haha!
  8. Well spotted! Auto knob on a "manual" car!
  9. dellert

    Vag Com

    I have done some more research into cables. Anyhow, some people say to just use a "dumb" cable others insist you need a "clever cable" with inbuilt electronics, Could you tell me which works fot you please? Also, I am curious as to wether there are any risks to my ecu/pc involved with using vagcom etc? And finally, apart from reading/resetting error codes what other clever stuff have people done with their ecu? Thanks
  10. dellert

    Vag Com

    HI just purchased the vag com software, but i now need a cable. Has anyone got a wiring diagram and or spec for the cable please? Reason being I want to make one rather than buy one as i want to make it to a custom length rather than the rather limiting standard 2m. Also if anyone has done this before , some info on problems etc would be good. Thanks. !lol
  11. Thanks, will go hassle him now!
  12. Well not an expert, but common sense would indicate that a 4 Cyllinder 1.8 with a turbo is at the limit of what the materials can take, therefor not gonna last a million miles. What with turbo bearing rebuilds and stuff. VR6 on the other hand, is a Six Cylinder beast, that aint really very hi tech, it works on brute force, but i guarantee it will stand the test of time. VR^ definately the thinking mans choice. For example between a 2.0 16v and a VR6, both standard there aint a lot in performance, but if you blow a GTI up you can chuck it in the bin, now go to a scrappy and see how many VR6 lum
  13. Yeah i know what you mean, can hear a faint hum even on a brand spanking new one, but as they get older they seem to get noisier, had an old Pug 405 which was the same. Just irritating, the old girl showing her age, just wondered what was the source of the noise and how to make it quieter or stop it?
  14. Power steering. You know when youre parking your car and the space is as tight as a gnats chuff, well mine groans like a grandad when I am turning the wheel, it works fine though. My mechanic told me not to worry as it was just old age. I was just curious as to what caused the whine in the power steering and which bit is to blame. Pump or Rack. Thanks.
  15. Probably worthwhile doing clutch too with the box off?
  16. Yes it is! Unfortunately as the pulley probably cost less than a tenner. I had to buy one last week, got a non genuine one from GSF who had it on the shelf, but even their one is the whole tensioner! Think it was about £70, so considerably less than stealers!
  17. If its the tensioner read the post "Strangled Cat", which may help. Thats probably the cause, if not remove the belt and see which pulley feels out of sorts. ie. stiff excessive endplay or making gringing noises!
  18. Great thanks will give it a whizz on a scrap one!
  19. sorry to sound ignorant, but! the idea is then to remove the lock barrel to gain access to the ignition switch and replace it and then replace the same lock barrel with hole and all?
  20. dellert


    Since the downfall of WIn-MX, I have been looking for another place to fulfill my download needs, but yet havent found anywhere! ~ Do any of you have any recommendations please? Just one important point though, I am as tight as a nats chuff, so none of this paying for it business please! my VR is a thirsty girl and I dont want her to go hungry!! !amazed
  21. dellert


    PS: Like the NOT IMPREZZED!!!!
  22. dellert


    Golf are all 2.8 unless rebored, Corrados are all 2.9 also unless rebored. ODB1 or ODB2 doesnt make any difference to power output, according to VW, but rumour has it there is a bit more poke to an ODB2, but on ODB1 you can make this up by fitting an enlarged Throttle body, pinched off a 2.9 Corrado. Not an expert but thats what i gather from this forum. Do a search on ODB.
  23. hmmmm! Thanks, how many of those did you f**k up before you got it right? Whats worst case scenario if the hole is off the mark?
  24. No, sounds a bit out of the ordinary! From my experience the electrics are good apart from the ignition barrel, and the odd switch wearing out and stuff.
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