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yinnyvr6 last won the day on February 25 2017

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About yinnyvr6

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  1. I say get the best one. who will always be there asking questions giving advice listening answerin questions and most of all put his his energy into it .for all us vr6 guys and girls ..goodluck all
  2. yinnyvr6

    Got £1000

    Any 3 door lhd golf vr6 about for sale 2.9 synco thanks people
  3. As I said mate I'm loving this vr6 it's lovely. That's all I can say love all work and detail you have put in to this . Love the colour looks so nice in the sun. looking at this makes me think.were do is start with mine to get it to this standard . R32 mk3 bring it on you brave man
  4. Lovely car mate well done .looks amazing loving this vr6
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