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The Monk

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Everything posted by The Monk

  1. Ummm, wing was sticking up, rest was tenderised a few hundred times with tyres lol.
  2. Well, If your fine with it, I'll be there or meet up with someone on friday. Well, beer, track, mates and a winning lottery ticket. Chris, saw that bird lol.....totalled.
  3. tony, you going down on friday? Now I've been to GTI springfest I know what to sort out.
  4. Well if there's a definate group going down on the friday, I'll camp on friday. If anyone will deffo be going on the friday that is,
  5. Would it not ring any alarm bells toward a joke, to think that all you have to do is type in ANY reg and see the offence? I thought it was fake right away............after typing in my reg, papping myself and realising that I or anybody I'm friends with, have been to aberdeen in MY car. :-d
  6. What would be the most cost effective setup overall? I mean, chargers seem pretty darn expensive and that's without remaping or modifying....besides, I thought some internals needed replacing and the 10:1 needed lowering on F/I. Turbo is a lot more maintanence from what I've heard and more bits to attach.. At the moment, I want to go for the cheapest/cost effective way of increasing the ooomph until I can afford a proper set up.
  7. 41mpg for about 500 meters.....usually around 16 - 29 average with my heavy footedness.
  8. Well hopefully those vids and pics should suffice. Craggsy, I'm not computer literate enough to know how to post proper links, more than probable it was you.
  9. Oh, did you do that tehn or did I beat you? lol
  10. Haha, on a serious note. I got back from the meet last night to find that my front N/S noise....the noise I told nige about....got worse. Checked it out and without doing the strip on sunday, destroyed my N/S CV joint, shredded the boot cover and the bearings have collapsed/gone bye bye. You'd be a prat to not own a bottomless money pit lol. Was told by a friend this morning that a mk2 VR6 and an Skoda Octavia VRS decided to dump their internals all over the track after we left. Craggsy, tis a good job you ran when you did......during the S3 incident lol. Craggsy.. Jim n Tony Dave...
  11. I just wish I could have got a "the mornin after" piccy of you. You did look like crap when you sat up out the passat hah. You chose your sleeping position very well though dave and I could only see your hand lol.
  12. Some photographs.....not much of a photographer as you can tell. The campsite at about 6:30am Nige the morning after Steve the morning after If I'm upsetting anyone with these pics, then I'm sure the Mods can remove them, or I can.
  13. That was dave lol. Everytime I fell asleep in the car...that took a fair while each time......I could constantly hear dave talking and laughing as I was woken up again lol. At one point he or one of the others fell into my car and apologised for it to the car haha. The other lot parked over the otherside didn't shut the hell up until the security chap drove over at about 2 or 3.
  14. Yes, But it really destroyed the mood when you shot off up the middle lane at the same time I was pulling onto the M6 lol....that's when you realise the weekends finished and it's back to boring, frustrating, bill paying life. Besides, convoy is good for my fuel consumption....usually 90 - 100 miles I'm at 1/2 tank.....driving back with you means as of this morning, I'd covered 140miles just as the tank hit half way.
  15. Man, I'd loose my head if wasn't glued to my body.....yes I did. Sorry about that. Do you still have it? Yes pete, I enjoyed it too. Admittedly I was very tired and had the "up all night brain"...where you're running on back up power, (NOT through alcohol either), but I'm sure I didn't get on anyones bad side because of it. Even had a 2 car convoy back to warwickshire with craggsy, was very cool. Small things amuse little minds eh. Credit where it's due though, you all have amazing cars and I do mean that. Proud to be in the club with you all.
  16. Well buddy, there were sparks......several of them, but I was scoping the bottom of your car all the way back anyway and while at the garage to make sure there was no standing oil. I actually think it was a part of the exhaust system, maybe the back box. Nige, how's your head now buddy? How about yours dave? Manage to drown yourself in lucozade
  17. Yup. Cheers guys and sal, was a good day and a cold night lol. Good to put some names to faces and I'm deffo looking forward to the next meet. Craggsy, hows the bottom of your car? lol
  18. I managed to get hold of a second hand rad yesterday and fitted it. Some little scrote has come along at some point either last nite or early morning and screwdrivered the smegger. I've got a camera set up now though. I think it's the same goon that tried to steal it but after my alarm deafened the whole street, I'm not so sure.
  19. Mate, I get used to it all. Only time my VR comes in handy in those situations is when I have to stop, fast and the prats in the wrong try speeding off without so much as a sorry. On duel carrageway islands, a prick in a landrover sport cut across to get into my lane, I actually stopped, he sped off, flooring it.....then I did the same. He dropped off the accelerator when he saw me taking up his rear view mirror and waved sorry....to which I gave him the thumbs up. Other than that sort of thing, I suffer so much from dickheads when driving, that I just try to ignore it. One last thing I have h
  20. Me too tony. Getting stupid now though. Yes craggsy, I know.... just a big pain in the ass.
  21. Just noticed while browsing. That several parts, bits and pieces are going waaaay up in price. Example of this...europerformance BMC CDA for VR6 last month was £158 inc VAT, now £203. Some short runner manifolds have gone from 998 up to 1200 now. About time I started to look for discounts I rekon.
  22. Is it a continuous knock when turning the wheels or just one knock? Do you get it when moving or changing gear?
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