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Do you wear real animal fur? DO NOT OPEN LINK IF EASILY OFFENDED!!!!!

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I am manager of a chain of butcher's shops, if I am honest I haved killed and skinned a fair few animals and seen some things that most people couldnt deal with ............. but what I saw in you link was enough to almost make me sick that will haunt me now for a few days...... I really a cannot understand how a anyone could do that.

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Heartless. They must get some sort of satisfaction doing that..i also read somewhere that some chines people don't fully consider dead animal fur as "real" fur..so they skin them alive to fulfil their requirements.

Whatever the reason..it is sickening.

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I havne't clicked on the link but I got sent an email link the other day on the same subfect and I'm guessing from everybody's comments it's the same one. I read the warnings about not watching it so watched some of it. Couldn't bring myself to watch anymore than about 2 mintutes of it.

Cruel and disgusting are about the only two words that I can use to describe those involved, without being heavily censored on here.

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That's more than me, Pete. I clicked the link, saw the title pop-up on the page and closed it before it started. And that's not because i'm a wuss, it's because i know if i watched it, it would have my blood boiling within seconds and want to pulverise whichever sick w*nker thinks this is an ok thing to do. I feel angry, sad and sick and I didn't even watch the vid :(

Seen a similar thing on a Facebook page and am still haunted by what i saw. I would pay good money to be locked in a cage with one of these so-called people so I can show them some pain of their own :@

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