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Not long now - Getting a bit nervous!

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Some of you may remember back at the start of the year I got accepted to do Formula Women assesment


And well I've just got my assesment date and details through I have to go to Llandow Race track - Wales on June 15th so not long now :?

I have to do a driving assesment with a qualified racing instructor and this is done in a caterham and also timed karting session theres also a fitness test and written test which I have to complete as well.

So hey ho wish me luck think I need it :D:P

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you been out jogging...fitness test is a big deal. what they wanna see is someone who refuses to give up ;)

Fitness test should be ok by the looks of things it more about the rowing machine which is the one peice of equipment i actually like doing in the gym 8) + I've been circuit training 2 a week and step class once a week so I've been doing a good combination on cardio and strength training :)

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