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Let This Be A Lesson To All Those Speeders

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jesus what a mess' date=' imagine the poor family member who had to go and identify that body.


Identify what? her wedding ring! seen a few (first hand) ones of those now, cant say it bothers me anymore, its not that nice though! specially when you look down to find bits of someones brains all over your polished up Danner boots!!! i hate havin dirty boots :-(

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Human curiosity mate! thats why everybody "rubber necks" at accidents on the motorway (and usually have one of their own!), then complian to the emergency services that they have seen a dead body! most of europe use shocking tactics to make people slow down...France use black figures at the side of the road with red lightning cracks through the head to signify a place of a road death!, some have 4 or 5 in one place!! its not allowed in this country "as its not politicly correct" surely if more people saw what happens to you if you drive like a chopper it would make you think?

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certainly does make you think but most people think that wouldn't happen to them, my oldest got hit by a car at the beginning of the year, thankfully it was an mx-5 with a soft roof, bit touch and go for awhile but fully recovered now. Now that kind of stuff really does make you assess your driving.

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Glad your kids on the mend,its all too common people in a rush not concentrating etc, a guy got killed at the end of my road last year, the car rolled and he came out of the windscreen & then landed on the road and due to velocity and mechanics of the crash the car somehow? scooped him up and carried on down the road on its roof with him under it through 2 front garden fences and into a mercedes parked on the drive! he looked a bit worse than those pics, it was 2 mates in a rover racing a lexus, really is a pointless loss of life, no consilation but atleast is was quick? dont fancy it myself!!!!

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At least being squished like that is a quick way to go.

It's easy to get complacent behind the wheel of a car because you feel nice and safe in your leather-trimmed steel cage and think that high-speed collisions only happen to "nutters" and inexperienced drivers. They don't.

At 100mph+ you are only one tyre blowout or one patch of black ice away from ending up like blondie.

Take care out there.

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