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isobarboy last won the day on April 27 2014

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About isobarboy

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 09/15/1989

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    Music, cars, xbox 360, ps3, food, hospitality.

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  1. Thanks very much for the feedback. It's not going to be seen so dirty pigeon shit lumps are fine by me. I can always make-believe them look as smooth as possible. I think that shall be on my Christmas list haha. Is it bad I look at that welding photo and thought a run down it'll look fine haha
  2. http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=321553506889&alt=web Can you let me know I really will appreciate it.
  3. That's a part you don't a want "buy cheap buy twice" kinda thinf
  4. This link works sorry. I've done my research on welding techniques, legal requirements etc.
  5. Check out this item I found on eBay: http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=270857023799&alt=web
  6. Hi again. Will this do the trick for to replace jack points upfront on the car. Not the entire inner sill. Check out this item I found on eBay: http://pages.ebay.com/link/nav=item.view&id=270857023799&alt=web Thanks for the advice again.
  7. Absolute pigs ear of a job if you have aircon. Ots the last few steps that having aircon is a cirse, all gets in the way. I done all exceept the very last step of ooening the casing of the heater matrix, then sent it to a garage whi done put the new one in and put the dash back for me, that way I saved a ton in labour costs and bought my own part. 130 max I think. And I got it returned all done and dusted. Labelled the wireing and parts and screws for them. Didnt take long.
  8. I really like this car. Looks very stock and in such good condition.
  9. reaperx i am going to give some money or a nice bottle of bourbon or something as a thank you. Going out their way to do it for me is nice.
  10. Check your sparks. Could be knackered and the cleaner purer fuel was the last thing keeping it sparking. If there fine, try running injector cleaner to see if it's a blocked nozzle. Easy cheap first things to do. Check your leads to the sparks, one could be split or cracked preventing charge getting across.
  11. If it's cracked. Don't start the engine but twist the key so systems boot. If a level sensor it should notice no oil as you've cracked the pan and let you know. It's a beep right? As well as a light in the dash?
  12. If it's cracked. Don't start the engine but twist the key so systems boot. If a level sensor it should notice no oil as you've cracked the pan and let you know. It's a beep right? As well as a light in the dash?
  13. Wouldn't have thought the ecu being one step ahead and thinking about those emissions noticed mine doesn't even have a clamp on it. Loose as hell. Curse the last owner! Handy post this was so cheers McPikie & Lukey
  14. isobarboy

    Percy's selfie s

    Photos of my ride as and when really.
  15. Owned the car 6 months now and finally decided to change the spark plugs on the car when i got them out i was absolutely horrified to see the state they were in. i was completely surprised that my car had even been starting in the first place. Fitted nice shiny new bosch spark plugs in the engine now. Purrs a dream.
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