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general petrol costs of the vr6 help

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ok so my vr6 is still waiting for me at a friends house just got to get the last bit of money together, just a few things im concerned about, i want to use it as a daily car im a student with a part/full time job offering a small amount of £750 a month (ish) and have no bills to pay apart from a bit of rent , how ever my insurance on the thing will be costing me £400 ish a month, thats besides the point im just wondering how much petrol does the vr6 use when just being driven around town daily?

im going to try and stay at around 50/70 mph as im sure ill be scared of such an engine for a while but i dont fancy getting it when its costing me an arm and a leg to put petrol in the thing, the guy im buying it off of ( a mate ) said he can get upto 37 mpg out of it according to the trip comp when he isnt putting his foot down does that sound correct? and ofcorse when he puts his foot down im aware that the car aparrently offers a silly 10 mpg in little bursts though i cant see my self doing 100 bph for more than a minute or so , any helps much appreciated thanks

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Well mate I get about 30-35mpg on motorway driving and about 20-25mpg in town driving and about 12mpg if I drive it like I want to ;);) it is defo not the most frugal engine for mpg but the smile it will put on your face on the odd occasion when you do plant your right foot will more than make up for it :)

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see now i like what your telling me ben haha, i have a 1.4 mk4 golf at the minute and to keep up with anything and use my car everyday for any reason not just A-B i am putting in about £10 every day and a half will it be much different in the vr6?

dont know if any of you saw top gear where clarkson explained a higer engined car does less work at 60 mph that a small engined car so it effectivly uses less petrol, i know its only in certain cases but im hoping as im only going to use the full potential of the vr6 every now and then that it should be ok on petrol to a certain extent?

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haha i know what your saying mate i went out in it yesterday evening and the noise, there is nothing like the sound its worth every penny, the only thing that stops me doing silly speeds is that im usualy cruising around with the missus and when she says slow down i listen :) call it under the thumb or what ever but i really dont fancy having my girl friend in hospitol and it really does hit home sometimes so needs must 50-70 most of the time :)

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yeah mate your right that if you just doing motorway miles or a road driving at 60-70 in 5th gear the engine is not working very hard and the mpg is pretty good - it only really goes down a lot obviously when your braking and accelerating hard !!

my mpg on motorways is better now that I have had it supercharged but on b-roads when messing about I dont even bother looking at the trip computer :-p

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dubslife, I have to ask

a)How old are you?

b)How long have you been driving?

c)What insurance company are you with?

400 a month sounds extremely excessive and I do mean extremely.

I have 5 years ncb and 5 years of driving and I pay £59 a month.

Though I'm kind of in the same situation as you with regards to income, rent and being a student in part time work.

I'm only 22 though. £4800 a year sounds too steep.

It's expensive for parts too.

Unless you change your insurance company for a cheaper one, I'd buy the car, sorn it, and wait for funds.

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theres no way the vr6 will match the economy of whatever 1.4 litre you are driving now. paying over half your monthly income on car insurance - youve really got to love driving!!

id describe the economy from the vr6 as pretty bad actualy, although it is a lot better than the V8 porsches ive been driving for the last 8 years :)

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yeah im surprised only 1 person has properly mentioned the extreme price im paying :(

i dont wanna get into detail of why im doing it because it wont change my views or my mind but im 19(20) in a few months 1 years driving experience almost 2 i would have had a years no claims by now almost 2 but my insurance company messed that up and best quote i got on the vr was 3800 with the AA paying so much on insurance is ok at the minute with no bills to worry about ect i dont see why not, may aswell do it whilst i can. i like the car in general and just fancied the vr6 as i have had a few 1.4 mk3s but wanna try out some better power

heres a black 1.4 mk3 i had, that was a minter 50.000 on the clock with an N reg i think it was and hardly a mark on it


and this was my first vw a 1.4 se with a good number plate for a vr6 owner (P166 VRG)


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haha nice to hear it mate, just dont wanna be seen asa the crazy guy with more money than sence, as for a start i am definitly not in the money haha and its taken alot of thought in weather or not i should get the vr as i am aware its going to cost alot in general but i want it and thats that :) i would stick with a 1.8 gl or something like that but there just isnt a nice one out there and with this vr6 been offered from a good mate of mine atleast i know where its come from and i dont have to travel to get it or anything :)

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i live in milton keynes as well and vr6 sucks for fuel ive never been into the 25s with it because off all the stop starts on the roundabouts plus if you do cain it it will quickly become 12-15 Being milton keynes tyres quickley become a issue as well. its up to you but that insurence imo is mental think if you saved that money till next year what sort of car you could get instead. considereing that 4k for a golf mk3 vr6 is pretty much top money for a real mint car in current climate

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I'm sure I,ve ranted bout this somewhere else on site....(Irish driver so prices will differ) .Petrol wont be a problem for you buddy..It costs me bout 50/60 yoyos a week to drive my VR6..(60 mile ish a day ..x5 days )...Ive seen 15-17mpg when my right foot is longer then my left...but ive also seen 37mpg on decent journeys..(2-3 hours at bout 60mph)..my VR6 usually sits bout 26-28.5mpg daily...the expense ive found is with replacing parts and general up keep..ie tyres..(especially fronts)..brakes..services etc...then gearbox..clutch..and others.......I drove a 1.4 daewo for 6 weeks while my car was in da garage......it still cost me 50yoyos a week to do the same millage......The BIGGEST cost for me is the road tax...1300yoyos a year.....(1993 2.8i..62,000 miles)...slap in the face considering the state of some Irish roads..wrecked two good 16" Momos in the space of 2 months last year..Dont let any of this deter you..when you do put the lead foot down...that grunt..sound..,smell...will constantly put a big smile on your face ;)

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sorry dude i dindnt c this post

im a student earning only 400 squid a month i run a 4motion and use it as a daily. i drive a good 40 miles four days a week where i get around 25-27 mpg average and then drive to work 4 times a week only getting 16 mpg. i only spend 30 quid at the moment a week using optimax.

as for ur insurance at 19 its gona b alot i had to wait till i was 21 as they wanted 3k to be insured on my 4motion at 20 so it had to sit on the drive for half a year.

running costs however if something goes wrong are a bit of the pain in the ass mind u there is less to go wrong on a vr than a 4motion. dont let this put u off i have run my 4motion for nearly 2 years while bein at uni nd i wudnt change it for anything even if i am gona b clobbered with this 450 squid road tax bill

also dude ur insurance drops shit loads when ur 21 like i said mine went from 3k to 700 in the space of a second insurance companies just kno how 2 get the most out of people


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i cant believe u r gonna pay that much for insurance...

personally id say get some more ncb behind you b4 getting a VR... whats the point of haveing a 2.8 v6 and then teasing the throttle everywhere u drive so u can try and get the best fuel consumption out of it... it kind of defeats the object doesnt it???

and ive gotta come back to the insurance price again... thats over £10 every day, whether u drive it or not... b4 tax and fuel... its crazy... when i was 21 i bought a sierra cosworth and payed £1500 fully comp on insurance... all my friends thought i was crazy, and i had to make a lot of sacrifices to afford it... i loved that car but kept it less than a year because the cost just wasnt worth it:(

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pete insurance has gone up this year tho last year i paid 660 and the best i cud get this year was 750 wiv nothin changin nd that was lookin everywhere

but agree wiv every 1 else i kno this sound stupid but wait till ur 21 nd save 3k put it in the bank 4 a house as u will find that is more important than a car

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