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Everything posted by Jamesr_VR6

  1. Good debate, But i have to say most of their wages are justified. When a player is bought sold from a club the money paid for him doesnt go into his pocket but the clubs. When you think a football club rakes in on average over 100 million a season, and only employs 300-400 people. Most footballers dont earn 300K a week either only the few exceptional ones. Most are on 20k-60k a week Which in the grand scheme of things is pennies compared to the money the club makes. A club is a business, look at it that way it makes more sense than a group of guys jsut turning up each saturday and getting paid
  2. i love driving in snow, makes it more of a challenge and more interesting
  3. Thats cheating in my books, my accuracy is up to 24%+ now
  4. o0o0o plenty of time to catch you up
  5. ^^HAHA wondered where you had gone, whens it getting fixed?? AM up level 51 now, catching you up!!
  6. Happy new year guys sorry i havent been on in ages, very busy with work and xbox lol
  7. last day of work today so MW2 marathon i fell!!
  8. ^^Havent bought ought yet, just depends what comes up, diesel, for my budget lol
  9. ALL: Dont forget i wont be taking a car around the ring this year so if anyone wants to take me round and split the cost to save yourself some money let me know!
  10. im not far from coalville, im gunna comes teal your xbox until ive caught you up!!!!
  11. haha im sure pearsy is a kitten really, Also sorry John!!
  12. oh right thats cool lol Tahts why i asked a question, knowledge is key lol. I read my last post and starting thinking "omfg what if hes an internet warrior, this could be all out war :S" but nah thats cool, this is still the best forum i have used yet, people lsiten to comments and ask questions instead of getting on their high horse i likes it!
  13. AJ - Xfactor is built around the fact the banks pur loads of money into the show knowing the winner will hit number 1 at christmas and rake it in. Ive bought x2 copies of RATM for this reason and this reason only.
  14. Thought the comments about muttleys lack of car knowledge was a bit far over the "just having a laugh" marker and nearing the side of nasty and spitefullness, I mean im not stating this hence the question mark on my original psot, i dont wanna accuse anyone of anything, but thats the way i read the comments so thought i would ask
  15. Your very welcome, I wasnt implying that yo are a fool, but only if you did disconnect your ABS RCF is also correct that new cars are less violent with the pedal, my ibiza is a 57 plate and i get a light vibration when the ABS kicks in, unlike older cars ive driven where it kicks back so hard it nearly shatters your shin!!
  16. ^^^ you woul dbe an absolute fool to turn your ABS off especially in this weather. ABS stops your brakes locking and ending up in a slide. You dont need to put severe pressure on the pedal, jsut the same as when you started braking, I dont know what i would do without ABS in this weather, saved my bacon this morning it ell you!!!
  17. Jamesr_VR6


    Nothing up here except ice, i entered McDonalds car park sideways this morning in an eager bid to buy breakfast and still get to work on time
  18. Saturday night im hoping to prestige and start catching you again!!! either way my accuracy is way better than yours
  19. just you wait until xmas day when i get forza from the missus
  20. ^^ you still owe me a VR6 tax disc holder for winning the rally arcade game competiton
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