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Everything posted by Jamesr_VR6

  1. ^^ and rapidly catching me up again!!!!! thought u was gunna be on again last night? will be on tonight from 10:20 ish, dpends what time i can kick the missus out. Im screwed when i get Forza i wont have enough hours in the day to switch between COD and that!!!
  2. GIT.......... Getting Forza for xmas so can race you online as well, not thats something you WONT beat me at!!!
  3. haha just funny watching everyone run away!!!!
  4. Well, bad news..................im not buying a VR6 or a GTI or anything vag for that matter for qutie a while. The good news? im still coming Hard decision but with finance crippling me, good vags for my budget hard to come by and a flourishing relationship with the missus ive decided i need to get back to basics and walk before i can run. So with a low budget top of my wish list is a 51 plate laguna, it ticks all the boxes, doesnt look bad, and ive got a mate whos head mechanic at my local renault garage so get super discount Then in a few years when i have savings, better pay, and whatever
  5. ^^I cant agree more, I have never over taken on a bend on a public road regardless if its blind or not, its jsut not sensible I hope your friend pulls through
  6. ill kick your ass tomorrow night sunny jim
  7. haha i see i see!! jsut dirty tactics by yourself!!
  8. dont worry i dont take it personally
  9. thanx to me? how you figure that lol Wont be on much this weekend, probably late saturday night and most of sunday afternoon/night
  10. ^^ hmmm reading back and without him clarifying im unsure, but i see your point After what i have written, even though i have justified myself as to why i do it, i cannot and would not try and jsutify speading overall I highly expect to be haven a pop taken at me, and i guess i was almost expecting it, If someone does have a pop so long as its relevant i have no problem and ill take it on the chin
  11. Jamesr_VR6


    Extracts from council letters 1.. It's the dogs' mess that I find hard to swallow 2.. I want some repairs done to my cooker as it has Backfired and burnt my knob off.. 3.. I wish to complain that my father broke his ankle very badly when he put his foot in the hole in his back passage.. 4.. And their 18 year old son is continually banging his balls against my fence. 5.. I wish to report that tiles are missing from the outside toilet roof. I think it was bad wind the other day that blew them off. 6..My lavatory seat is cracked, where do I stand? 7.. I am writing on behalf of my sink, which is
  12. ^^agree 100% i wud of slowed for the bus as well
  13. took me a while but i often ahve difficulties explaining my actions lol
  14. Pretty good debate this I understand everything everyone has said, and as i say i see both sides of the argument. the way i conduct myself is, 30mph limit, narrow road, cars lining the road, could be kids about, weather conditions etc, i WILL ALWAYS stick to the limit and if i deem necessary below the limit on the other hand 30mph limit, house/buildings set back a decent distance from the road, no cars lining the road, no public visibly by the road, no visual obstructions, then i will do more than 30mph because i deem it so, the time it would take a person to get in froont of my vehicle from
  15. Sorry for gospel and verse
  16. ^ i have to agree but also disagree There is an argument for everything, but theya re all black and white. Lets say that lad as you ahve told us was overtaking stupidly and speeding on a blind bend, had a head on crash and killed them, and got done.....fine, i agree 100% Lets say he is approaching the corner at 9 miles over the limit, and as he rounds the corner comes across a cyclist with no hi-viz, no lights, and quite a distance from the kerb, wether within the speed limits or not he will probably have to swerve onto the opposite side of the road, having a ehad on crash, killing the other p
  17. nope didnt see anything gruesome, saw a re-construction of some pillock pedestrian stepping out in front of a car from between two cars, the driver was doing 39 in a 30. Now i dont care if he was doing 700mph the fact the guy was stupid enough to not look for a vehicle it doesnt matter if it was 30 or 39mph, its still gunna fooking hurt and its still a retarded thing to do. The driver IMHO should of had the book thrown at him for speeding, but he got done for death by careless driving? I know its controversil but i disagree with this, As a young child you learn that putting your finger into a
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