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The sun was nice while it lasted!

I'm intrigued to see what the beer can sculpture evolves into by tomorrow morning..? - and gutted i couldnt stay up for the evening :(

It was good to meet you N London boys today..

Hope to catch u at a few more shows soon


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The sun was nice while it lasted!

I'm intrigued to see what the beer can sculpture evolves into by tomorrow morning..? - and gutted i couldnt stay up for the evening :(

It was good to meet you N London boys today..

Hope to catch u at a few more shows soon


Jake, was wicked to meet you fella..

Hope you got home safely..

Catch up probably@EDT38..

With the rest of the Mulberry Crew!!!

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MJ thanks for all the help! Who was the dude sleeping on the grass lol

Found him just Lyin there.. HAHAHAHA :-p

Dont have to say thanks man, Its kool, Lucky Rick knew how to ByPass the system, otherwise you n the Mrs would have been Camping today n'all!!!!

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