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ok, most of you may have read other posts with me complaining that my turbo doesnt fit, it catches on the brake servo. so i either need to relocate the servo, or fit a smaller servo to get the space i need.

i would have to have the servo 1" less in diameter, or 1" less in thickness. i dont know yet if its possable to fit an alternative servo, but that looks to be my best option at the moment.

can anyone shed some light on this for me. thanks.

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ok, i think i have this sorted after talking to Alan Fishburn, a local vw tuner (or ex tuner, im not sure) he has done a turbo conversion before and encountered the same problem as me. the turbo hit the servo as the guy bought a huge turbo so after a lot of drawing board action, he decided to swap the brakes to front/rear rather than diagonally crossed. remove the standard servo and fit the master cylinder in its place, then put a remote servo on the front brakes only as there is a bias valve on the back. it sounds ok as it will only cost me £170 for the kit then labour. (i dont trust myself on the brakes, lol) he was quite reassuring that it was safe. but he also said that before the guy had even run his engine in someone crashed into him head on while parked and destroyed the whole front of the car. so im just wanting your thoughts on the brake setup he proposed.

i should make my descision asap really, as i wanted to use the car to go away with my girlfriend for new year. lol. and this is holding me up. only 1 week to get the brakes sorted, the turbo fitted, and get it tuned and smartened up. hmmm.

oh, and thanks for replying andrew, it seems your the only one who does anymore, lol. the bonus is, you know a bit about effective braking too. he he. thanks again.

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no worries.

having never heard of that set-up before i don't really have a comment though. seems like it'll be a good solution though, the best bit being you can have adjustable brake bias (tip, make sure you don't have too much bias either way). a brake servo really doesn't effect the stopping power of the brakes, just how much pedal effort you use...a lot of people think less pedal effort equals good breaks, but thats not necessarily true. for example, my vr6 requires auite a fair bit of pedal effort compared to my girlfriends polo, but once at speed the polo feels very underbraked whilst the vr6 stops really well.

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they have a brake bias valve as standard, so cant imagine it failing the mot. its also looking like im doing this myself as everywhere local is gonna be busy between christmas an new year, and unfortunately im desperate to get this done. may have to call the boys in for some assistance. lol.

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nah, we certainly dont. i managed to remove the servo today with only a little 'access to bolts' trouble. lol. now i just need a plate welding in to house the master cylinder directly, the pushrod from the pedal cutting to length to fit the master cylinder, and a smaller fluid resevoir as the normal one hits the underside of the rain tray. grrrr. and then i just need to switch the front left with the rear right brake pipes at the abs module, and then fit the remote servo kit and bleed it up.

after that i need to final fit the turbo with all the gaskets and pipework, tune the fuel/timing controller and tadaaaaaa, vr turbo here we come. hope i can get it done before wednesday. lol.

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