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i dont understand how you can programme a 'standard sport' map and apply it straight to a car, I was always sure that you got the sport map then 'tuned' it for the vehicle in question whilst on a rolling road (if this is true, then this evidence should disuade people from buying these chips?)

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Ok heres my email,

Dear chippeduk,

Hi i am intrested in finding out abit more about the viper2 chip for the vr6 you have on ebay ...im abit confused i dont understand how you can programme a 'standard sport' map and apply it straight to a car, I was always sure that you got the sport map then 'tuned' it for the vehicle in question whilst on a rolling road ?? Be happy if you can explain to me how its just put in and away you go without having it properly set up , many thanks Paula


Heres his reply ......

hi there,

basically this is a map with local restrictions removed like fueling and ignition based on things like noise polution and insurance lowering solutions like restrictions placed to lower power in order to drop catagories with the insurance ombudsmen.

manufacturers submit a car and get a rating, if the rating is too high they take the car away and lower power output to drop grouping down.

lets face it, if your aiming at a groups of 23-35 year old drivers, a car with a group 17/18/19/20 is not a good viable option.

we remove these restrictions.

we also leave the chip open so if you were to go to a rolling road, anyone with hex abilities can alter the mapping perfectly to your own requirements although most people dont bother as the gains here are usually less than 2hp and many people dont want to spend on the labour costs of mapping.

So what you all think ??

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Ok heres my email' date='

basically this is a map with local restrictions removed like fueling and ignition based on things like noise polution and insurance lowering solutions like restrictions placed to lower power in order to drop catagories with the insurance ombudsmen.

manufacturers submit a car and get a rating, if the rating is too high they take the car away and lower power output to drop grouping down.

lets face it, if your aiming at a groups of 23-35 year old drivers, a car with a group 17/18/19/20 is not a good viable option.

we remove these restrictions.


Okay, sounds very good, but does this mean that your insurance will not be happy, you may fail your MOT emmisions test?

I would be intersted in buying one, but am inclined to get someone like AMD to do it and get the map for the car, rather than standard timings and fueling, i prefer 'MY CARS' timings and fuelings, becuase on a 70000mls + vehicle the cars not going to be standard (and lets face it, non of us lot have standard vrs for too long LOL).

Good job emailing him, would love to talk to him about what hex values on his map actually differ from my standard ones.

(oh yeah - addition) Since the map that your car comes with is standard (standard as in, they are all the same) i don't see why a standard sports chip would break your car (lol, ive just invalidated my post), but i feel 'its too good to be true'...:( anyone else get this feeling?

Ideally the seller should come here and talk to us, if he did, then i would think about buying one and getting it re-mapped on a R&R.

!amazed !amazed


would be interested in what your insurance company says about this chip vwmg.

[ Edited Thu Sep 16 2004, 11:40AM ]

[ Edited Thu Sep 16 2004, 11:41AM ]

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Ok i am talking to him via email seeing what i can get out of him and this is what i put ....

Thanks for the super fast reply ...!!

My vr6 is standard except from a ram air induction kit, im looking at getting a performance exhaust system and maybe decat, what bhp benefits would i be looking at getting for installing this chip,.....

and as for rolling it and mapping, what would you charge me if i cam to you and where abouts are you.....

I also run a website to do with cars and have lots of people that own VRs bmw ect on there and may be able to get a few more people intrested if i get mine done and they see the benefits of it ...

Thanks again


His reply ........


i would map yours for free so all you pay is the cost of the chip which i would do for you at £40

this is a sweet offer i am sure you will agree.

i live in birmingham and would be more than willing to attend one of your meets and map/chip cars there for a forum offer etc etc.

i do many magazine shootouts and have proven over the past 12 months that my chips are worthy as i have come top on all 3 rolling road days against other companies like superchips and zone1 etc etc.

this month on an e30 bmw i was 9hp @ wheels higher than the nearest competitor which is awesome.


My new email to him.......


Ok sounds a sweet offer, if i come and get mine done, can you do a before and after map print out so i can show everyone on my website the benefits? and im sure there will be people intrested in getting theres done,then we could sort something out , i am in hertfordshire so is a little way to come for me .......

Heres my main website www.girlsnmotors.co.uk if you go to the features page theres a few of my members cars, and theres still more to add as its a new site been going about a month now with the forum running about 3 months with 200 members now.....

So when would be good to come up and get it done, and also get the print outs ect then i can put them on my forum and see what intrest i get, like i say have a few vr owners, bmws , even up to sylines....!!

Let me know and i will come up and get the ball rolling


His reply .....

i dont have a rolling road and do maps on a laptop in real terms.

i can print these out though.

rolling roads are for show off reasons (no offence meant here i assure you)

mapping on laptops is how all the top teams work.

i work from home so anytime is good for me.

i`ll go take a look at your site now


So what you think???? anything else you want me to ask him.....lol

I got him down to £40 for chip and map....... !amazed

You want me to ask about the hex values then .... :P

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Not trying to disuade anyone from buying a chip (i'm always open to new techniques), but correct me if im wrong, the point of having it rolling roaded, is so the map (which is essentially a map of hex values which your ecu interprets) can be adjusted so you get the most from your vehicle. £40 is a good price, yes i would be interested in the hex values, becuase its a sure way to know if he's just going to send you a blank (becuase the hex values will be made up), unfortunately i have NO IDEA what real hex values for our vr's look like and how the ecu interprets them.

If you buy the chip vwmg, make sure you dont install it, do it at a garage with a rolling road (some place that has mapping capablities), then if it blows up, at least its at a garage LOL.

in all honesty, from the look of things, that guy has some decent feedback for ebay (i usually look at just the bad feedback, its always good to have a bit of 'badness' since no one is perfect and you know he's not a conner).

I still have that feeling of 'too good to be true' becuase he reduced the price....i dunno, choices !dodge

get him on this website so we can probe him !alien.

[ Edited Thu Sep 16 2004, 12:49PM ]

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lol .... i know what you mean , i have herd of people mapping them via laptops, dont know how good that can be tho.... B)

Tell you what type out what you want to know about hex values and i will email him back as hes waiting for my reply .....:D

If i was to go get this done (might see if i can get it for free ;) ) as hes looked at my website so knows i could get him more buys if they are as good as he says, could if F up my vr at all......, i dont really know much on chip side of things tbh...... !dodge

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Unfortunately i know nothing about hex values,

i know there are 4 different types of hex,

qword, dword, word and byte (sounds like someone just made them up LOL)

i.e a word can be A123

the byte will be 23

*(please no more, i have no idea about this stuff LOL)*

well if you do decide to go for it, i would also like to go for it, i want more vr6 and i want it now. Afterall the proof is in the pudding and if it works for you, it'll work for the rest of us. good luck vwmg and if he's willing to do it for free, then i have a bit more confidence in him.

[ Edited Thu Sep 16 2004, 01:37PM ]

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everyone should have a few negative feedbacks, its normal, 93% good feedback, although in vwmg's case i would actually go visit him and get him to stick the chip in, if there are any problems a convoy of angry VR owners will be waiting for him when he opens his front door :).

Anyway, are you thinking of buying a chip? or just asking for the rest of us?


[ Edited Thu Sep 16 2004, 09:07PM ]

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Tbh if you read most of his negative feedabcks are from people who didnt give their Ecu numbers to the guy in the first place - take those away and his feedback looks ok.

Id be interested in hearing how he maps the chips for differing cars as each car performs differently even in standard form so id be interested in how he can supply a chip for a car with any modifications over the phone so to speak.


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