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Posts posted by dom.joy

  1. I had to unblock mine and just poured boiling water into the sunroof drain channel and got a long sink unblocking spring divice from a local hardware store. Twisted it and pulled out so much crap then got burnt by the boiling water that flowed out haha

  2. I also used the UM tube and fitted a Mocal thermostatically controlled sandwich plate to feed a 19 row Mocal oil cooler.I never even thought about the benefits of using the original cooler to heat the oil until matey at UM sais so.

    Looks trick and no clearance issues :)




    Those photos are spot on. Can't wait to get mine sorted but other issues to solve first so it's on the back burner

  3. Might have got myself confused. Does oil enter the cooler from the cap side or block side?

    So oil could run through the tube to the cap then through the sandwich plate then through the top of the factory cooler then to block?or other way round??

  4. Bumping this.

    I have my United Motorsport tube but I'm a bit confused how the oil gets cooled/heated by the stock cooler as the holes don't seem to line up with the stock cooler only the sandwich plate. Unless I have got confused.


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