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ok ive had the head gasket done head skimmed water pump expansion bottle and cap changed i changed the bottle last as the what was happening was were you have the 2 holes in the side of the bottle under the black cover from the bottom hole i was getting a small amount of coolant coming out of there so i then replaced the bootle it has been ok for a few months now the same thing is happening agian any ideas as the whole cooling system has been replaced more or less heres a pic of were is coming from.


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sorry i dont quite understand what your saying' date=' is your water bottle leaking?


the coolant it leaking very slightly from the bottom over flow hole in the expansion tank it used to do this with the old bottle after i had the head gasket done so i replaced the cap and it still did it so i then replaced the bottle it then stopped doing it for a few months after changing the bottle but it has now started doing it agian the bottle is an oem vw part the cap is a copy from gsf.

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v v common prob mate,cant guarranty urs is that but its sooooooooooo common for the expansion tank top to wear,and under the pressure of the cooling system can actually push coolant out through the cap,i sell loads at work and always go genuine,i sold one yesterday to a guy with the same problem lol max u gonna pay is about 6 quid

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