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Feckin' Snow!!!!

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Its starting tae get quite thick up here and whiting us out, so be careful out there as its a little errr...homade heated seat time, so take it easy and have a safe journey ... just watched a TT coupe try to pull out in front of white van man in the snow and..... hit it instead!!!

So as an Old 80s police show used to say..."Lets be careful out there..."

Safe Journey!!

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I got up this morning at 6:30 and it was a blanket of snow on everything,I took my daughter to school and parked back on my drive as I got out of the car I heard a muffled bang and a car had overshot the T junction straight into a Saxo, the woman who owned the Saxo came running out of her house arms flapping and then bugger me 30 min later some one else did the exact same thing,it was after the second crash she moved her car to the other side of the road %-6 .

By 12 oclock the sun had melted all but the shaded area's.

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Doesn't surprise me. Hope she gets some kind of double ins pay out from both drivers. There are some idiots out there on the roads. I was driving home this eve... it hasn't snowed down here in the south but it's zero degrees or just over and everyone is speeding down the dual carriageway at over 70... I only don't because I know what it's like to skid on ice and over turn a car &| (wasn't even driving over 40 when it happened over 2 years ago... really shakes you up for a long time afterwards.. but makes you appreciate the roads more.

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