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Door Trim Rattles

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Hi guys, so I've had my fron passenger door card off in order to eliminate some annoying rattles from behind there. I found some broken glass, an unconnected speaker wire (I have no stereo so wouldn't have noticed!) and also 2 broken plastic trim clips. All this I can sort but I was wondering if anybody has had similar rattles and applied any other measures like foam/padding etc? Has anybody tried to fill the door with some sort of padding?

While I have the door card off I am ready to try anything to stop these noises! I suspect it may be the door lock pin rattling in it's guides or something? Should I wrap something around it?

Any suggestions?

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my door pin rattles when i get to over 80, pain in the arse, i keep meaning to get round to putting something round it i just never do...

I have seen people put sound proofing stuff inside the doors before so it is possible... you can use something like this.. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/car-acoustics-soundproofing-2mt_W0QQitemZ160377871160QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM?hash=item2557441b38#ht_1861wt_907 comes in all different sizes. :)

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Thanks guys yeah I thought about just filling it with that stuff but then I thought I might break my car lol. Last time I used it in the house it was stuck to my skin for weeks!

I think I might just wrap some electrical tape around any loose metal stuff and hope for the best!

Any other ideas welcome though!

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