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Nat and her winter wheel decision!!!

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Im thinkin of getting some new winter wheels, im getting a thing for collecting wheels now and think i want another set... lol.

Will these ones go straight on or do i need any sort of adaptors??? Im liking these for winter, i want somethin along these lines anyway, nothin too flash....


what du reckon??

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I keep seeing these crop up for sale - they look very nice imo, especially polished (or black with polished lip), but would the drop from 6.5j to 6j have an effect on handling or ride? And would 288mm discs fit under them? I think I've answered a question with more questions there..

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my current wheels are 7.5 wide... 17's

Dunno if it will mess things up or if id have to lift the suspension or anythin, just woke up this morning thinkin WHEELS, WHEELS, I NEED SOME NEW WHEELS!!!!!

I work best on impulse so thought id get looking!! haha

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na, if i did i would get as paranoid over them as i am my current ones, the idea is to not be worried about them too much... ive got to resist temptation to make them look good and remember they're my 'scrappy shoes'!! :)

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Well i still have standards, i want nice wheels, but just not mint, polished wheels! lol.

Im open to any ideas really, these were the ones that just popped up first, but send me some links if u see anything else that might work! :) :)

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If you have polished wheels, degreaser them really well with isopropyl alcohol and put on several layers of collinite 476s wax, it'd mega hardwaring and detergent proof, go it on my splits and they just wipe clean during the normal wash

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yeah i do normally polish and wax my wheels everytime i clean the car so they come up nice, but even still they will be coming off for winter... so i need to find some nice simple cheap wheels, if not the ones ive shown then maybe something similar.... :) :)

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