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She's back and better than ever after being reversed into.

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My sis in law just reversed out of her drive & into my vr6 and completely mullered my passenger wing and scratched my front bumper i just had resprayed and im absolutely gutted :-( .

Right what i want to know is being the colour of the car (mulberry) are the body shop going to need to get a new wing and spray it or is the whole side of the car going to need doing to match?

I feel so guilty so do i get a quote from the garage for her to pay out right to do the job or do i go through her insurance, she has got protected no claims anyway.

Please help :o

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Tell me about i feel so bad, wish i never went round there now. But beleive me she is feeling alot worse she knows how much i love my car she was crying.

Thanks for the quick reply mate appreciate it.

I forgot to mention that the passenger front wheel is knocking everytime i go over the slightest bump so it could be worse than expected? And my passenger door is seriously rubbing on the wing when you open it. :-(

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get it done properly and go thru her insurnacne i reckon, try and say it needs a full respray ;) lol

it willl deffo need some blending... i ended up doin it all cus of all teh stone chips down both sides and rusty arches etc...

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if she don't mind you going through insurance then go for it..otherwise just get a private job. i got my wings done on my previous car and it was identical..really depends who does it,

shouldn't cost no where near £400 for a decent job. How bad is the wing? and where is the damage on the bumper?

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Its going to be an insurance job. My own insurance company Adrian Flux has given me two options.

1. Go through their sister company helphire/angel assistance and they will cover all the costs and give me a decent courtesy car and recover the costs from her insurance, i don't pay a penny.

2. Go through her insurance but they will try and skimp on costs by doing the job as cheap as poss and giving me a crap courtesy car like a pooey micra.

I obviously went for the first option as i was hit up the ass about 4 months ago and went through this whole process and i could not fault it at all. And i got a nice brand new alfa courtesy car.

As for the wing it is crumpled beyond repair, if you rub your finger underneath the arch you can feel the crease not to mention i cant open my passenger door as the wing has moved and scraped the paint away. It also rubs now everytime i go over the slightest bump. The bumper has about a 6" scrape down it, i only recently got that resprayed too.

What a mess :-(

I went to get an estimate today and im waiting for them to get back to me in a couple of days with the good or bad news *-) .

Here's a couple of pics:



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what a shame man, thats a lovley looking car and colour. chin up ive had a new vrt for less than a couple of weeks and had a punture on first day 200 miles from home,keyed the first night i had it, and broke the gearbox and spent £1600 in two weeks. if we didnt love vr`s............ but WE DO :):):)

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Quick update *-)

I have been on the phone today to the garage and to my insurance company trying to find out whats happening with my car as its been a nervy week since i took my car to the garage for a repair estimate.

So i found out that the garage has quoted an estimate of £844+VAT for the repairs with (genuine vag parts only) and thankfully they are gonna repair my baby not write her off.


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For that sort of money it should be spot on so if it is not make them get it perfect. Also if you need any small bits doing ask them aty the garage and they will prob do it for nothing or add it on to the bill, i did once and got my bumper done for nowt worth a try.

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Mate, i know how you feel, about the guilt thing. My mum had borrowed my VR a few months ago and managed to ding it on a fence post. She felt really bad and offered to cover the cost of repairs, but she doesn't have much money and i just can't bring myself to make her pay for it!

Anyway, hope you get it all sorted in the end mate.

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sod the merc, you have your VR and thats a lot better!!! :) :) you should feel lucky i got a 1 litre AUTOMATIC nissan micra for a courtesy car, i could have cried, i looked like noddy!! lol. But did make me really appreciate how much i love my VR. :) :)

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