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The Monk

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Posts posted by The Monk

  1. But I did actually say buddy, that it was the few people I encountered that did this, nowhere in my comment did I say it was everyone. It is the way the comment is percieved.

    Yes I know you didn't accuse me of being racist, but with what was said, I felt I had to give myself grounds to stand on as several people would consider it a touchy subject.

  2. what really annoys me(no racism intended) are black drivers.

    They are sooooooooooooo slow at everything they do' date=' don't look where they are going and don't apologize for what they have done wrong because they think they were right in what they were doing but don't actually think they were doing anything wrong.


    A bit of a generalisation there I think.

    um yeah a total one and totally ridiculous thing to say inmo !!

    I tend to find people with my skin colour' date=' white, know what they do wrong and tend to lean toward being aggressive. Other skin coloured people tend to be oblivious to their surroundings and tootle about without a care in the world....


    oh and a second candidate for sweeping generalisation of the day !!!

    I notice that, not only do you need prozac, but you also left out a KEY part of that paragraph that had the words "IN MY EXPERIENCE". In future, I'd be full of joy joy feelings if you included the other part of my comment that actually made what you replied with, useless. Mmmmmkay? :)

    It's a shame the law, people and other mitigating factors have turned peoples freedom of speech into a restricted joke and people consider any sentence with the words "skin colour", to be serious.

    I spend every 12hr work shift looking after atleast 2 or 3 non english speaking patients after their families have bought them over here for treatment. I see them as equals with every right to be here, to be treated, to be looked after and cared for. I never ever embark on any racist jab or banter.....just to make sure you all know I'm not in the slightest discriminant.

    As for generalisations, YOU must assume that when anybody says....even with the words "IN MY EXPERIENCE", anything at all, that they MUST mean it is fact. Please take a moment after reading threads, to really think about an appropriate response. Not everyone is out to generalise about what everyone else should think or encounter.

    I've retracted said paragraph to keep everyone happy and I apologise for any nerves struck, not my intention.

  3. Actually, in fairness, the only damage done to my cars by others has been in my place of work....walsgrave hospital. Every knock has happened while I've been walking from/to or sat in the car. Everytime they've tried to drive off as fast as possible while avoiding eye contact and the 6ft 5 wall running at them with waving arms. All have been women, all driving cars worth less than my own and 6 out of the 7 being african/carribbian immigrants working as cleaners or kitchen staff.

    One still had my front bumper from my rover stuck under the front of their car and damage to the front o/s corner. Proceeded, when I blocked her in the car park by standing in her way, to phone the police and deny any knowledge. That is until the police and hospital security turned up and had to physically show her the white bumper sticking up into her grill that she ignored purposefully.

    With the pictures and a witness statement though, her company instantly admitted liability and paid me the £600 value of my car (repair would have cost £890). With that 600 and the 200 from the breakers, I bought my mk3 1.8 :D.

    The skin colour or vehicle of the offending person must stick in the victims head no matter how many people with their skin coulour offend them....all comes down to a memorable characteristic. People just can't help it.

  4. I hate to say this but it is becoming increasingly common for the people with another car in their backsides to be prosicuted too.

    I hate being stuck behind people that like to drive at 25 in 40 or 30s and after a mile or so, I can be found sitting up their backsides.... very hypocritical considering that people up MY backside when I OBEY the actual limit, get the brake treatment too.

    The police are starting to look at the causes of rear end shunts as they are becoming more common with the tricks that we pull to put the fear of god into the tailgaiting community.

    Besides, I will never stop doing that, however, I'm not looking forward to the day when I do that, end up finding my car is too damaged and the offender turns out to be a bigger chap than me :D

    I do sometimes pull over though to let the plonkers past and proceed to make sure they see my hand gestures ....sometimes.. ;)

  5. Yes Nero, it IS the legal speed limit and I by no means want to encourage breaking it.

    Most people travel fasterr than 70 on a motorway, even traffic police say the average speed taken by cars on the 3rd lane is 85mph.

    What most people here are on about is the inability of muppets to make sure they aren't going to interfere or casue cars to slow or brake hard.

    I've been sat in long long queues on the 3rd lane caused by idiots pulling into the path of speeders and decideing that 60 is the only speed they will reach......that's what pi**es me off.

    70 is fine.

    Nobody said it was a race, you did.

  6. I'm 22 and paying 690 fully comp. =)

    lol lovin it...the area makes all the difference.

    Oh yes. The insurance reps have obviously never been around this area.....wouldn't want them to see the shite state of affairs here now.

  7. I'm 22 and paying 690 fully comp. =)

    I can't comment on fuel usage as I'm ironing out problems with mine and I'm getting around 18mpg.

    These guys and gals are averaging more than me with superchargers and turbos....so I doubt you can go wrong and you WILL fall in love with it.

  8. Bus drivers that pull out as you're overtaking them without signaling.

    police officers sitting at 65 on motorways in marked cars and having to sit in a queue because people are reluctant to go past.

    Starting, stopping, starting, stopping on a motorway, to find out the cause is complete and utter tossers taking long hard looks at a slight shunt on the opposite side and realising that they're about to join the car infront.....keep your fu**ing eyes on the road ahead. If I can drive past an accident without even glancing at it, you can too!.

  9. Everybody' date=' dont they know I own the roads and am a a far better driver.[/b']

    People who slow down and brake when a car comes towards them at night.

    I think everyone believes themselves to be a better driver than anyone else......hell, even I do, that is to say out of the morons I encounter.

    I can hold my hands up and say I've nearly caused 3 accidents out of the 5 years I have been driving.

    1. Under skilled 18yr old turd doing around 65ish in a 20 zone over the brow of a hill as I was pulling out and I took avoiding action...though he turned around and started revving his bike into the driver door of my car while screaming obscenities at me.....would have tried kicking the s**t out of him, but I was in too much shock, even though it wasn't my fault.

    The other 2 have been while trying to pull out of a concealed entrance in different locations and having the misfortune of some speed freak doing at least twice the legal limit.

    2 years ago I rolled a 205 1.6 gti after some asian (I'm not racist), tw*t in a 3 series BMW coming toward me, overtook a merc that was doing 55 round a blind left hander but stayed put on my side...I swerved, N/S F/R tyres hit the grass and I continued sideways into a ditch and rolled twice into a field. He got away....now my philosophy is if it won't kill anyone...make sure to use them as a wall....that way, they can't get away.

    Rambling over...sorry lol, back to original subject...

    People that have a vehicle blocking their side of the road and proceed to use your side of the road instead of giving way.

  10. yup hope u all have a wicked xmas as ive cancelled it due to my misses who i lived wiv for 4 years levin me 2 days ago merry xmas 2 u all tho

    Like you've been told....chin up' date=' pecker up and shit gets easier...as I'm sure you're fully aware.

    I'll crack a few beers with ya on the next meet. Try and have a good one buddy.

    [b']Happy christmas girls and boys.

  11. People that sit in the middle lane used to bug me till I started to encounter people that sit at 70 in lane 3 for miles without a single vehicle for 100's of meters in lane 1 and 2.

    People that seriously need to use a headlamp beam setter.

    People that sit up your backside at 80+ on a motorway when the car infront of you is blocked in by the car infront of them....

    Morons that can't use indicators on an island.

    Travelling at 85ish in the 3rd lane with plenty of room ahead and having some moron sat behind an hgv in lane 2 at 55mph swerve out to lane 3 when you're a second from going past.

    One of my biggies is people that travel at 44 in a 60, speed up at an overtaking point before slowing down as soon as there is no point of overtaking or 40 in a 60 and travelling through 30mph villages at 50+.

    People that can't park and use 2 spaces or block my driverside door.

    People that pull across your island enrance or road entrance in slow traffic and stare ahead like you're not there, thus blocking you in.

    People that think they have F1 launch capabilities in their cars and force you to brake on islands or roads and proceed to give abuse when you beep your horn.

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