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Everything posted by vrturbo

  1. to vr6rich just send some pics with spec sheet and a bit'o creepin/valver no probs be happy to help/dubbloke my ear is there to be bent!!!!!!!!!
  2. lucky bugger well done!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. never know i left them my number a feature would be soooooooooooooo cool
  4. ello peeps anyone seen pvw this month its me!!!!!!!!!! cant belive i've made readers rides and ride of the month (i think) so id just like to thank god and my mum for making everthing possible ha! ha! !amazed
  5. vrturbo

    e 38

    i'll try and make the rr day and i'll bring me own bottle opener ha! ha!
  6. vrturbo

    e 38

    hello peeps just wanted to say thanks to everyone i met sat nite really appreciate you guys letin me hang out with you and i cant think of a bunch a cooler people to have met !amazed hope to see ya'll at another show sometime!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. man your car looks nice on the move! as for the type r thrashin ha ha jap crap!!!! ive had a tear up with one of those and left the fucker for dust thought he was gonna cry in hands!!!!!!!!!!1
  8. just been on ebay and there is a few polished manifolds on there one realy old lookin thing with 2.8 cast in the plenum and a abt ported one plus some cromed rocker covers polished fuel rail/down pipes.ebay rules!!!!!!!!!!!11
  9. anyone know who stocks or where i can get hold of wheels made by dyna motorsport?ones i want are m6's as seen on the audi a4 avant in july 2003 pvw mag! anyhelp would be sweet!
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