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F$$$$$G Cats!!!!!

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How much trouble will I get in for "dealing" with the local cat population???

If I hadnt of seen and nearly cought the cat that left ANOTHER special gift in my gaden today I would have thought there was a tiger on the prowl....

Why cant it S$$T in its own F$$$$$G garden???

Seriously... Ideas welcome for "dealing" with them before I get myself in trouble!!!!!!

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Get a dog!!!!!!!

Can use cat repellant chemicals and or ultrasonic sound devices, or do what I did a few years ago, I cut out the shape of a cat in using ply wood, paint it black, paint on some luminescent eyes and stick it in the garden...it actually worked for me!!!!!!!

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TECHNICALLY cat are classed as vermin, so can be disposed of so long as it humanely done!!!! Now how much trouble the local police/RSPCA would cause is a different matter, because despite them being put in the same CAT-egory (oh that one was good!!) as rats and mice, MOST people find cats cute and cuddly so may frown upon them being shot!!!!!!

Best get some cat repellant is easier!!!!!!!! Oh you can try sticking small sticks (about 6-8 inches long) in the garden where the cat goes (bet it's a flower bed) this makes it uncomfortable for the cat to try and squat so they move on....or try dropping the cat poo outside your garden, then the cat will crap there as they usually go in one spot...namely where their own scent is.....

Oh also get your own cat, it'll crap in someone else's garden but the cats won't go in yours because of your own cats scent.... Big TOM cat should do it, or a lynx cat, that'll sort most domestic cats out!!!!!!

Just a few ideas, but seriously, don't try the shooting one!!!!!!

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i had a cat problem recently, they kept crapping in my gravel at the front of the house. Got so bad i paved the entire area cost me hundreds.

If you do kill one and get caught, you will face the consequences. If you own firearms they will be removed from you permanently. RSPCA can ban you from owning animals in the future. And you would be arrested.

Hugely frustrating but stick with a water pistol

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i had a cat problem recently' date=' they kept crapping in my gravel at the front of the house. Got so bad i paved the entire area cost me hundreds.

If you do kill one and get caught, you will face the consequences. If you own firearms they will be removed from you permanently. RSPCA can ban you from owning animals in the future. And you would be arrested.

Hugely frustrating but stick with a water pistol


Totally agree with all of the above and do not recommend any untoward action. I posted the link to show that it is a common problem and that some people have gone to extreme measures in frustration. Cat deposits are toxic and dangerous to pregnant women. Toxoplasmosis can cause mis-carriage and brain damage to unborn babies.

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Speaking as a cat owner not by choice my wife's ! a good dose of ice cold water gets the bleeders .... so does a hose pipe and spray nossle... if that fails i sprinkle white pepper around the borders makes the bleerders sneeze ....

BTW anyone seen trainspotting the dog in the park and BB Gun ?????

By way of interest cats for some reason love the smell of bleach so in no way wash any car parts or anything else you want cat free in it it's like cat nip to them ...

And if you read the news some dastardly man was done recently for feeding cats bleech so as much as they are little sods who sh*t everywhere and claw your furniture poisoning is not an option....BTW i have grown to love my two boys ! vets bills just cost £158 that;s the cost of a good powerflow stainless steel exhuast ... So i told the wife !!!

Good luck trying to stop them....

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thanks all.. I agree with a lot of the comments...I am alergic to cats and dogs so cant do that... Otherwise I would have the biggest animal going to deal with them....

What gets me is it is just in the middle of the garden... not even in a the flower beds... !!!!!!

I did just catch the Fekkr today with the hose pipe,,, I dont think I would could kill tiddles but the missus is getting well miffed and looking at some options,,,,, trying to find an oversized mouse trap.. LOL I love the idea... LOL

Are there any trapping limitations??? I could then leave all the tiddles near y'all instead :D (and trust me there are loadsa 'em

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I must admit l was starting to get a bit uumm grumpy reading this thread, talking about poisoning or killing cats, I was thinking if someone ever did that to my cats l would rip their throats out ( I am massively protective of my animals, 2 cats, 2 dogs and a horse)

but after reading on l see it was just frustrations and not intent lol

I would say don’t bother with those ultrasonic sound things they don’t work and if your like me and can hear them they are just bloody annoying lol

You could try motion activated sprinklers or l quite like the pepper idea just put some where it normally poops.

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