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It dont start until i.........

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hi guys (and gals)

the only (thank god) problem on my car is this:

every time i start the car it switches off straight away (does not tick over and stay running)

until i discovered --- it does not do this if i let the oil light (warning light) turn off at half ignition first, then when i turn the key it ticks over and stays on as well, almost like a diesel car where you are supposed to wait for the glow light to go off

anyone else experiened this? i have recently changed the ignition switch as well.


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i've got a similar niggle with my vr6...well, it hasn't done it for a while actually (not that i'm using it at the mo).

it would start, do a few rpm then just die. totally intermitant, and it even started cutting out a few times.

i've changed ecu relay/fuel pump relay...i still haven't got to the bottom of it.

mate had a similar thing on a gti and it was two things...ecu relay was causing it to cut out whilst driving, and it turned out it was the aftermarket immobiliser interfearing with the factory immob causing the starting prob...obd2's have a chip in the key.

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