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I bought a set of Magnecors a couple of months ago. Two of the spark plug boots have split, another one fits the spark plug way too loosely (a known problem, apparently) and my plug lead removal tool wouldn't fit them properly until I filed it down (it worked fine with standard leads).

The manufacturer said the problems were all due to fitter's error. I told them I've removed and refitted the standard leads dozens of times without any problems. Didn't want to know. Charged me £15 for new boots and they split again 3 days later.

Also they don't fit the runners in the engine covers unless you cut off all the retaining lugs, and if you do this you can't refit the standard leads.

Steer well clear. Go for good quality standard ones instead.

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Not had any problems like you have Nick, I know a while ago, Magnecors introduced a new "revision" that had better fitments for the spark plugs.

I've had mine on for over a year, not had any split on me, and I was able to use the Spark Plug Removal Tool to get mine out, but I do have a schrick which I have to remove, which obvously gives you a better view of what you are doing.

It it possible you may have purchased an older revision with poorer fitting connectors?

I do agree that the runners, but I only have that problem on the runners above my coilpack, the schrick hides the rest :)


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