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Hi Guys...

Whilst searching for solutions to me clocks problem - which I may have sorted... Watch this space - I came across people who have a flick key for their VR's.

Has anyone on here got one working for a VR Golf. If so, how???

I'm not concerned about the alarm buttons, just making the key / transponder work. I have two blades for AH type keys waiting to be cut, just trying to get my hands on a MK4 fob.

My idea was to open the fob key and remove the transponder from it. Then having a locksmith copy my transponder onto one of theirs and putting that in the flick key.

What do you reckon guys... In theory it'll work. If a locksmith can cut non-VW keys and code a transponder chip to work in the car, then in theory, instead of using their key, you use the mk4 fob.

I've got two VW OE keys cut ready to be programmed, but I'm being told that ONLY VW can code VW keys???

Been wondering this for ages, so I thought I'd ask you brainy guys..

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Mines a 1995/6 (n) OBD2 engine. So does anyone know if I can have the keys coded by a locksmith or is it a stealer job?

Also, could a locksmith code a transponder by copying mine in my key?? I believe thats how they code them - by reading the original and copying to a new chip?

As always, comments/ advice always welcome...

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