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maybe worth spraying some contact cleaner in the stalk switch as well, years of grime build up and sometimes stops the contacts working, if its not that or a fuse best check the motor is getting power, it could be a broken wire in the tailgate within one of the rubber boots you can see at the top of the hatch, very common problem on a mk1 mk2 and mk3, incidently the washer jet will always work as its powered by the pump at the front of the car in the engine bay, unless that pump goes too!

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Right, checked it out today...

Theres an electrical supply getting to the motor so no broken wires and i also find it hard to believe it's the motor as everything is like new and un-touched.

So, i'm thinking it could be the relay? Anyone point me in the right direction as to which relay i need to find?



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If there is a supply to it have you checked you have an earth from the motor to the chassis? wont work without one and the tailgates have a tendency to get rotten. If there is a supply to it and a good earth then its f****d. go get a new one. Easy way to test earth is to just hold a bit of cable between the neg terminal of the motor and put the other end on a clean piece of bare metal.

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