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Posts posted by bungy

  1. If you are close enough to worry about bottoming out surely the guard will catch all the time. Would it not be better to take the sump off and weld a 4mm alluminium plate inside the sump to retain your clearance but get the safety margin. I don't know much about these things but sounds feasible. And the fabrication is possible.

  2. I've put together a compillation but photo bucket keeps bouncing it back. I'm struggling with it a bit.

    Engineers huh...

    ask em to refit a battle ship engine-no problem

    ask em to press a few simple keys...different story!!!

    only joking mate..

    No offence taken Buddy. I think we are in the Guiness book of records for most advanced warship. And yes I have removed and replaced Gas Turbines including Tyne, Olympus and Spey. Olympus are the ones as fitted to Concorde. Think i'll have it sorted tonight. Might be a late one though. lol

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