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Charger for a VR6 AND an R32 ?

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Down the line I am looking at swapping the VR out for an R32, but due to the cost of it and the time involved in sourcing parts I am now looking at the idea of adding a charger for the short term until I can get all the R32 stuff ready and then I want to take the charger from the Vr and put it onto the R32 when I do the engine swap....

Is this even possible ? The engines themselves are not to different, at least I don't think theya re but then I don't know that much anyway haha.

would appreciate some advice please on what I should be looking at doing (If it can be done)



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That is just the news I wanted to hear :P

I take it mountings and boost pipes are not to expensive ?

Also, Vortech or Rotrex ? I know Rotrex are more expensive. I don't want to go silly with prices as my main goal is the R32. .

If I remember correctly, you had the Rotrex ? Did you ever have the Vortech to ? Or was that Jake ?

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Your convincing me more to go with a Turbo !

Gonna be more difficult to put together though right ? Not just simply a case of bolt something to the side of the engine like a charger...

Stealth racing jobby ?

What sort of price can you expect these days ? I saw the pricng list in their thread but it's a bit dated. Are prices around the same ? Anyone know ?

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