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Engine cranking help please!!!

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Hi guys,

I went to do a head gasket change on my VR the other day, and thought i would do the chains while im at it. I went to turn the crankshaft over to TDC, but it wouldnt budge at all, not even with a pipe extension on the wrench and me standing on it, it just pulled the engine further into the mounts. I fear there may be some valve collision somewhere, although it wont turn back the other way at all. and unfortunately I havent had the engine running since I bought it so no proof that it does actually work!!

I really dont want to take the head off without taking it to tdc as I know it would just end in disaster, but I cant really find out any other way can I? Iv made sure the gearbox is in neutral, theres no bits of metal in the sump to suggest trouble, Im really stuck here, is there something Im missing and just being thick? Really need help guys please!!!!

Much thanks,


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no sorry i dont think I have explained it right. i have only removed the rocker head, and the engine wont spin over so i can time it to tdc. If I cant get the engine timed i may have to take the head off and time both parts individually? cams are stuck fast as well as the crankshaft.


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