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Haven't done any build pictures yet of anything to do with my turbo build. So though that I'd post a picture up of my intercooler I fitted today.

The turbo's not on, but i wanted to get the pipework into place so I know where everything has got to go. Plus then when I come to fit the turbo, I haven't got to worry about intercooler fitting! And what I pain in the ar$e it is to do!! No room at all behind there!

Here's the intercooler;


I wanted to fit the plastic cover back over the left side, but the pipework is in the way, so can't get it back on :(

I could have got it on easy if I'd have removed the air con, but I thought that would be cheating and an easy way out, so just removed the cover for now. Don't want to remove the other side as the pipework won't be symmetrical and it'd do my head in like that :D



I think I've succeeded in making it not stand out too much but look nice and neat!

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that intercooler is epic!! and probably so much easier to make fit lol..

I like the understated look though, people might not notice where as that's shouting out it's charged :D

plus I'd get a bollocking off the Mrs for cutting the bumper apart too much haha

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