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Witch turbo to get on a vrt

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[blockquote]I think I am going to run a small turbo with high boost? So any tips, thinking about a t3 or is that too large?[/blockquote]

almost everyone says a t3 is too small and will come in too early,run out of boost too soon and will not bee good on the standard gearbox

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yes, with a small housing, but use a boost controller to limit early on. or just use a 1.06

i have had .63 / .82 / 1.06 my personal opininion is the 1.06 as the others where all spin and breakages. i know what you want, ie the 3000 rpm comment but the small ones make power very quickly and being fwd,most gets lost even with an lsd. i now preffer to build a little slower but with traction then on full power you have more of a chance of using the power and not spinning up, even at 120mph as Matty said. maybe im getting old but when it did that to me i was in a bend and the straight on effect came as a bit of a suprise,when i let of i lost the rear and after lots of steering and good luck i got it back. but its not for me anymore.

a rule to remember is boost early (small housing) and low top end/ boost later (large housing) big top end. my mk3 did 174 with a gt30 1.06

but each to their own. some love nutty boost. i know i did but have moved on to a more graduall but solid kick.

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