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here it is !!! the beginning of what will be my vr estate !!!

got the car with a duff 1.8 8v engine and decided to be a man about the situation and purchase a vr6 engine.

heres a few pictures of her as she stands at the minute. work will re-commence on saturday.

been busy partying over the last week or so :)







more to come ............

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was going to do some more work on the beast today !!

got out there and managed to get one power steering pipe off before my hands went numb, so i packed up and popped off to see mtet101.

we went into town and while we were there he had the great idea of vinyl wooding my vr6 clocks inside !!!1!

one quick browse in poundland (FTW) and here we go ;


precision knife set £1


self adhesive wood vinyl £1


in the process


still processing


coco pops are good


happy cateyes


end product .........................winner if i do say so myself


winner still

whilst in town T.K.MAXX came up trumps too.......have a little look at these puppies........... £12 each :)



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2 saturdays ago was productive !!!!

massive thank you to calpol, lee tatt, grant, and catface

only took 4 photos because i had filthy hands the rest of the day !!!

got everything that i needed to off the engine and managed to get it out along with the gear selector

got the vr6 into position too !!!! not bolted it in as i still need a bit of room to get the old loom out and the new one in !!! aswell as clean the bay a bit to get it looking respectable !!!!

next saturday is going to be loom day !!!!! going to enjoy taking the dash apart !!!! :roll:

heres the pictures i took






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so last saturday didnt go completely to plan !!!! for a start i got up late which was very annoying so i didnt have as long on her today !!!!

all that got done was fitting of the master cylinder for the hydraulic clutch and managed to hacksaw the old loom out !!

a few pictures smile.gif

how she is currently sitting (covered over of course)


two thirds of the old loom hacked out


vr6 loom to go in !


fuse board


tacky wood vinyl dash bits !!!! (so crap i love it)


close up


the blasted hole where the loom must be posted through!!!!

(hiding in the corner there)


thats all folks

more next saturday

peace up A town down

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so !! yesterday i got up fairly early to crack on with this beast !!! was all confused and didnt really know what to do first till callum turned up and we fed the loom in to the car and got the majority of it plugged into the fuse board ! have a few wires left over but i will find out what there for when i attempt to start it up ! smile.gif

callum scarpered at about 12 and i was once again left to fend for myself sad.gif

a little while later catmanfacedizzlebizzle turned up and started hitting things in his usuall " hit it and it will come off" way.

the rest of the boys ( lee tatt, tetley. cahonez) came round after they had been out for lunch together :-S (gay?)

and we managed to get the engine bolted in smile.gif yippeeeeee

going sealth racing next weekend to get the immobiliser sorted on the vr6 ECU maybe get a little more done on the engine too ...plugged in and stuff ( not got a clue as to where anything goes tho)



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