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hello chaps. im goin to be rebuilding my gearbox very soon with a peloquins lsd and i want to change the final drive to give me a better acceleration but also want to change the 5th gear to give me a good motorway cruising gear so was thinking of using the diesel 5th. what sort of power will it be able to handle as im goin to be running quite high bhp. also if any 1 could give me part numbers for the bits im goin to need that would be a great help. many thanks . stu

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Stu parts for the gears are 02A311361M and 02A311158R giving you 0.717 5th. Ive got a 3.94 final drive but most people opt for the 3.64. I have not fitted mine yet but I reckon I will only get 110ish in 4th and will be lucky to hit 60 in 2nd at 7100-7200 RPM ish. The 0.717 will give you same top and cruise revs as your standard 5th and 3.389 that you are running at the moment.

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