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Powergasket plus, worth it?

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Has anyone ever actualy dynoed a powergasket plus for the intake manifold?

I know that the Temp is supposed to drop but i'd like to see hard proof somewhere of the numbers. Awesome GTI are advertising a 5% increase in power. Not bad for a £45 mod.

I know there was a group buy at one stage on here but i don't think anyone ever actually posted any results with it fitted.


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true point but people have said how they can put their hand on the manifold and feel the difference after running with one in. Also there is the fact that if there is no power increase then awesome gti will have a false advertising case on their hands.


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If the car is stationary the manifold still heats up due to heat soak but when it's moving I did find that the temperature droped noticably, from instant ouch, reflex pull away to bareble to touch.

My 1992, 160K miler came in at 184bhp in November with a K&N panel, decat and the gasket. Unfortunatly I forgot to check if the Powerstations blower managed to cool the manifold and I don't have a before number.

But all things considered I'm happy with the figure. Something must have worked ;-)


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those gaskets are more a 1.8T thing , i could see it making more sense if ur wacking ur VR on ITBs . but like mk3anni said heat rises and soaks into the standard manifold . maybe if you have the manifold off for some reason ie top end work . might as well put one on it whilst ur puttin it back together .


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The gasket isn't about reducing radiant heat, but rather heat transfer from the head through the fanimold. By seperating the Fanimold and head with a non heat conductive layer, you drastically reduce capillary heatsoak....

That's the theory at least, but in practice they do feck all as I've experimented with it on my engine.

Dyno your motor on a cold day and you think it's the spacer giving more power, but not the cold air then? All VRs make 10hp more over winter, just because of the colder, denser intake air. But more crucially, do you actually feel that 10hp increase? Not really is the answer, so a spacer gasket isn't worth the money if you can't feel the claimed improvements.

Regarding the law suit comment, if there is an "Up to" in front of 5%, you have no case I'm afraid as 'up to' includes 0%, or no difference what so ever! It's a common get out clause used by Broadband suppliers. "Up to 8mb", yeah, and 2mb actual.

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Ive got a question if i was to heat proof the underside of the mani that would help keep the air in the chamber cool and it would make a difference to the overal temp of the air in the mani ??

now if im right the engine know's how much cold air has came in and already has the fueling and timing sorted the minute the air passes the air sensors so regardles of how cold the air is after the air sensor it shouuldt make a difference..Right?? tell me if im wrong mind:)

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No, as the manifold is directly bolted to the engine the main heat source is conductive. Hence the 'need' for this heat proof gasket.

Apperantly, there is a temperature sensor soemwhere in the intake which the ECU takes account off as part of the fuelling.


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Shouldn't worry about it. What ever you do will give negligable gains. Don't forget that at 100mph you have cold air blasting through the intake at 1psi.....assuming you can provide an unrestricted path to the air filter. If that doesn't cool down the intake, nothing will.....other than water injection.

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