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Posts posted by T0NYVR6

  1. Most people use the 'view new posts' button which shows new posts to threads and brings the latest ones to the top. So you're lituraly bumping your post to make it more visable! ;)

  2. Good luck mate but I fear you are 90% going to loose your licence. My boss did more or less the same thing, it was his first offence and he owns a business so pleaded he needed the car for work. They told him normally it would be a six month ban but as he owned a business they banned him for 2 weeks and made him pay a whopping fine.

  3. We use ink cleaner for glue and residue for stickers but I dont know what affect that will have on the laquer as our machines are straight paint without laquer. Theres also tar remover by autoglym I think that stuffs pritty good I used it on some paint that rubbed off onto the bumper of the car when I had a blond moment and it came straight out.

  4. I kept my car stock for a year and a half buddy and loved every second of it, yes the servicing costs are a little more than your standard 4 pot motor but the extra big smile on your face when you put your boot down is well worth it. The main bit of advice I'll give yah is to make sure its all been serviced and looked after as mine had a gap between servicing of about 20k and I'm paying for it now. Everything that i'm having to do to the car is basically down to a lack of serving and would have not been a problem if the car had been looked after.

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