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Posts posted by antera309

  1. so what are we saying coz when i rang and spoke to vince about mafless map the fisrt thing he pointed out to me was i would need bigger injectors....now im unsure if i should go for the mafless map...

    the other dilema i have is my maf is inbetween the charer and throttle body as supose to between charger intake and filter.....

    whats better

    1) maf between charger outlet and throttle intake

    2) maf between charger inlet and filter?

    iv got the z engineering kit but i cnt get hold of the buggers ho have taken over them since they went bust.. i need to get a belt and some other goodies to try and up the power

    any advice is welcome

    Vince was unable to get my car running acceptably without the MAF and I have the Stage 2 VF-E kit (8Psi) with the redtop injectors. I got exactly the same problems as Jays - over 40BHP down on power, overfuelling, rough idle and stalling. Interestingly enough, Vince blamed valve timing in my case too.

    I don't think injector type & size has anything to do with it. Some ECUs can handle Stealth's custom MAF-less setup and some can't. After his experiences with my car and others Vince is coming round to the thinking that there are more ECU types don't work with the MAF-ess setup than those that do....

    Once the MAF was reconnected, Vince was able to get it running OK, but there are some drawbacks to retaining the MAF - hot air from the charger gets recirculated by the recirc valve and blasted onto the MAF wires when you come off the throttle. This causes the MAF to tell the ECU that the engine is under greater load and the fuelling is increased, causing an unwanted surge. Well, that's the theory. In practice, we found that my car didn't do this, so maybe the problem has been worked around in the design of the ductwork on the kit I have.

    At any rate, you would definitely want the MAF BEFORE the charger, as the heat of the compressed air coming out of the charger would throw the MAF reading big time if it was located after the charger, although this might be something that could be worked around in the software as long as the MAF remained within its operating limits.

  2. 4000RPM is almost dead-on 100mph in 5th, so 3000RPM at 70-75 sounds about right.

    The VR6 engine could quite easily maintain 70mph at a more relaxed 2500RPM though, and some people have fitted an overdrive 6th gear to do this. The kit's expensive though.

  3. In my area, Shell have replaced Optimax 98RON with a new 99RON fuel called V-Power. Probably very similar to the Tesco stuff.

    I'm no expert on fuels by any means, but I understand that V-Power and the like are just normal unleaded with an additive chucked in which boosts the effective octane rating. A moneyspinner for sure, but really good news for those of us running superchargers and turbos on stock engine internals.

  4. He was able to get 167BHP from it - 13BHP shy of the expected figure of 180' date=' but still very respectable considering there are still suspected problems with the engine.


    I assume you meant 267 - not 167?

    Darn right. 267BHP. I have amended my original post. Thankx for picking up on that one matey!!!

    Today I said sod the space-saver and gave it a right booting anyway. It picks up really well from 4000RPM and above 5000RPM it's just devastating!! I can see how people get addicted to this kind of power, although I think much more would be pushing the mk3 chassis beyond its limits unless serious suspension work was done. Great fun though!!!!

    The plan is to get hold of a nice Mk4 GTI as my daily driver and keep the cabrio as a pure project car for a few months until it's 100% sorted. As always, I'll keep you all informed of progress!!!!

  5. Was over at Stealth all day today until 7PM. Vince gave the car his full attention all day, more than making up for his inability to finish it properly on Tuesday.

    He was able to get 267BHP from it - 13BHP shy of the expected figure of 280, but still very respectable considering there are still suspected problems with the engine.

    The suspicions centre on the valve timing, and until the gearbox comes off, this cannot be properly verified.

    On the road it goes like a demon - The real action starts at 4000RPM, then it's a case of hanging on for dear life until the redline!! :-d We're talking real white-knuckle stuff here!

    When the remaining 15BHP is liberated, it will be scary!!

    Unfortunately I got a puncture just before getting home and had to put the space-saver on, which has ruined any chance of some supercharger fun this weekend (215/35R18 tyres are mail order only) :(

    The verdict? Well, Stealth Racing have most definitely redeemed themselves, but I'm still not sure whether I want the cabby to be my daily transport any more.

    Even though the exercise was a success in the end, I've p*ssed my employer off by having to take this week off at such short notice. I'll get away with it this time, but a repeat would not be a good idea.

    At the end of the day, I need a car that's available to get me to work every day without fail. With that in mind, the search is still on for a replacement car that will do that, while still providing some driving thrills (80 miles per day gets awfully boring otherwise!)

    Once the get-to-work problem is dealt with, the cabby's gearbox can come off, a bit of careful diagnosis done and I can get the project to 100% completed status. After this, maybe a magazine feature if I can get one, then it will have to be sold, as taxing & insuring two performance cars is going to cost way too much.

    You're totally right about the R32, Dubsingh. Whenever I start looking at cars to buy, I always end up coming back to it. Plenty of power, looks nice, sounds nice, has hatchback versatility and 4WD for sure-footed handling on wet British roads. It ticks all the boxes. The only drawback are the somewhat inflated second-hand prices right now - everyone is asking at least a grand over book value for them. Maybe it would be better to hold on 'till just before Christmas - people tend to become a bit more negotiable when they're staring down the barrel of a £3,000 Christmas overdraft.... ;)

    The Golf GT TSI is worth a look too. Dual chargers, 1.4 litres, 170BHP, 45MPG and a 7000RPM redline sounds like a very interesting package. Almost as innovative as the VR6 was in its day. I wonder whether there will be a TSIOC in 10 years time? :)

  6. Thanks, Goonersteve.

    I'm not feeling bitter any more, but I still think the time has come (or will come very soon) to move on to newer, more refined machinery.

    Went for a test drive in the Astra VXR and it is monster quick, but I've decided I don't like the styling so much & rear visibility is terrible. I'm really feeling the new Golf mk5 GTI (especially the lightweight 30th Anniversary 230BHP version due out soon), but the horror stories I've heard about VW Dealers messing people around on warranty jobs are still scaring me...

    Anyway, Cabrio is going into Stealth later today for another go at remapping for the 'charger, so watch this space!

  7. Well there have been developments. Managed to get it running smoother today by reconnecting the MAF sensor (these are usually disconnected by Stealth for charger remaps) after some excellent advice from the guys on the-corrado. net forums.

    With the "temporary" ECU map it's still way down on power, but at least its driveable now.

    Vince was very reasonable when I spoke to him today and is going to fit the car in tomorrow for one last try on the rollers.

    If the remap fails again though, the car will have to be returned to standard VR6 spec and sold off. I won't blame Vince any more, he's giving it a fair go. If it ain't meant to be then it ain't meant to be, it's as simple as that.

    I'll let you all know what happens tomorrow!

  8. New laws allow police to seize uninsured vehicles' date=' it is kept for 14 days (at drivers cost) if they dont produce valid insurance and pay the 100 odd quid recovery fee their car gets fragged! the ANPR are very good too identify stolen or dodgy cars, and guess what?? the intercept teams on my area are 2 FQ 300 mitsubishi evo`s and 2 Subaru impreza`s, i told them to get Porsches!!


    Yes, the Police have the power to do that now, and I believe most Police officers can be trusted to use this power responsibly as long as Politicians don't interfere (e.g. My constituents don't like 4x4s - your orders are to crush at least 30 4x4s a month, failure to comply will result in cuts to funding).

  9. The toll has more than doubled compared with a similar snapshot just two years ago.

    It concludes the problems of unlicensed, uninsured, untaxed and unroadworthy vehicles 'still provide for serious concern'.

    The rise in figures is a case of statistical manipulation and the observer affecting the observed. New offences (such as SORN) are created. More laws to break = more law breakers, hence the figures go up.

    It's like FIFA telling referees to issue a yellow card for every infringement, then complaining that the conduct of players is deteriorating because the total number of yellow cards issued has gone up.

    The best one they did was when they suddenly reclassified speeding (regardless of margin) as a "serious driving offence". Lo and behold, there was a sharp rise in "serious driving offences". How did they respond to this apparent worsening of driving standards on our roads? You guessed it - more cameras!

    I don't condone driving an uninsured, untaxed and/or un-MOTd vehicle, but the Law should concentrate on dishing out harsh penalties to the antisocial minority actually committing the serious offences while spending less time harassing the law-abiding majority for every minor infringement.

    One weapon being used against uncertified drivers are Automatic Number Plate Recognition cameras, which allow an almost instantaneous check of police and DVLA records to discover if the vehicle is stolen or unlicensed.

    A worthy justification to install ANPR everywhere, I'm sure you'll agree. But catching & fining a handful of uninsured & untaxed motorists will not pay for an expensive system like network-wide ANPR. The long-term intention for these cameras is for pay-per-mile road pricing.

  10. ...hope you stick with vag..

    I am still considering the Golf Mk5 GTi & mk4 R32 and will test drive both' date=' but they will have to be waaaaay better than the VXR to make up for the horror stories I've heard about VW postsales.

    Run it down to Tim at the phirm, ask him to look over it.

    Thanks for the tip. That might save me some work. Taking the gearbox off just because one man claims my valve timing is out is not exercising common sense. I will be sure to give Tim a call.

  11. I just got back from a 2-day stopover at Stealth Racing which has left me so underwhelmed that I can barely find the words.

    I didn't get 280BHP or anything close to it. All I got was talk of engine problems that they didn't have time to investigate properly. This is on an engine that has had over £4000 spent on it. That's £4000 just on servicing & parts - that doesn't include any of the mods.

    The motivation has gone once again and there's gonna be no recovery this time. Not a penny more is being spent on L520 LAW.

    I'm through with VW. I'm through with their snotty, ripoff dealer network. I'm through with cars that even the dealers and so-called "specialists" don't understand. I'm through with cars that are pig unreliable because previous owners have "cut corners" in order to avoid ripoff dealer prices. I'm through with enduring manufacturing "quirks" that owners of another marque simply wouldn't put up with, just so that I can have a "more desirable than average" badge.

    I'm sick of a tuning industry that will happily charge you £800 for a part that only cost £150 to make, then shrugs its shoulders whenever you want the slightest bit of aftersales service.

    I'm sick of a show scene where you've got to gold-plate your gearbox and install a toilet in the boot just to get noticed. I'm through with the "Euro snobs" that turn their noses up at a car just because it isn't rolling on RH ZW1s, Porsche D90s or whatever happens to be fashionable this year.

    I've met some good people within the VW community and, from a spectators point of view, the shows were good fun, but those are the only positive memories I'm going to take from the modded VW scene.

    Rest assured, the engine will be stripped down and whatever problems (if any) will be rectified. Then I'm gonna return the car to standard VR6 spec and sell it. I'm sure someone with their own workshop facilities and more time & expertise than I have will be able to make a show-winning car out of it (Cabrio boot too small for a toilet though, sorry)

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