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Used T-Cut on section of bonnet - left faint smears which can't be removed

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Has anyone else used T-cut before and have it leave smears? It was hot yesterday so I'm thinking this didn't help. I had cleaned my car thoroughly beforehand to remove all dirt. The t-cut was triplewax. I used a small amount on a cloth and rubbed the cloth fairly hard and evenly over a small section of my bonnet to try and remove some light scratches. It didn't remove the scratches (not surprisingly T-cut never seems to in my experience!) but it did leave small faint smears. I tried washing it with more car detergent and chamoised it again. Then applied wax. However the the smears are still evident... not obviously, only in the sun and if you look closely. I have tried rubbing it with a dry cotton cloth with no successess. When you look at it closely it is as though the paint has faded in sections, but only very lightly. Surely t-cut can't do this... it can't even remove light scatches.

Will applying polish sort this all out (I have McGuiars Paint Cleaner - will this do the job)? However I will make sure the metal is cool this time!

Thanks for any help.

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yeh the heat could have "baked" the t-cut into the paint more, defo wait until its cooler. As for the McGuiars, surely its worth a try. At least you know thats good stuff and wont damage the paint any more.

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Get the bonnet out of direct sunlight and wait for it to cool down, then treat the area with a mild cutting paste followed by some polish and finish off with wax. It should come up good as new.

You can use Autoglym Paint Renovator/SRP/EGP as GTAiii says, or Meguirs 3-stage paint treatment.

One more point to note when using T-cut. If your paintwork is metallic, you MUST use T-Cut metallic (blue bottle) NOT normal T-Cut (red bottle) or you will suffer exactly the sort of smears you describe. The chemical composition of metallic paint is actually different to thet of solid colours, so you have to use the right stuff.

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