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Ok i have a wee leak coming from the side of a plastic housing near the engine block.As you look head on at the car its on the right hand side and its ant-freeze.Its not anywhere near the radiator i can tell that much but what is the plastic housing that seams to fit on the engine block,underneathe my HT leads

Sorry for the vaigness,i dont know too much about engines

Thanks guys and galls


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Does it have lots of cooling hoses going into it and two or three sensor connections?

That's your thermostat housing. Just had to change mine as one of the hose connections sheard off.

Quite common apparantly for them to fail.

You are looking at around £50 to replace it entirely ( it comes in three pieces ) or £5 if it's just the seals/rings that have gone.



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heh just got mine back today from having a new thermostat and housing fitted.

couple of days ago it just started pissing out coolant while i was sitting on a hill at a set of lights and a mate saw it dribbling down the hill and is like WTF :P

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