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Building a Boot Install....

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Has anyone got any ideas on how to go about building a boot install into my car?

I have the basic layout that I want which follows like this.

2 X 12" subs--- One on the left of the boot and one on the right.

Any Amps I want to sink into a false floor and be viewable through a perspex sheet.

Now ideally I would like to have the whole lot smoothed and then sprayed to the color of my car, but I am unsure how to go about this?

It would be easy enough to build boxes from MDF and carpet them but if I wnat smooth and painted I guess I am looking at fibreglass or something.

But how do I get the intitial structure before adding fibreglass to it?

Also any firbreglassing tips or other methods I will be most greatful.

Oh and bare in mind that this would be the first time I EVER did anything like this so please use IDIOTS terms :-)

As is usual, my thanks to all helpers :-)


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to get the build built in fibregalss/filler and sprayed it would mean builind most of it in the boot in situ and then painting it in the car unless you build it in such a way that you can remove the entire build thru the hatch. to get a decent enough enclosure size on the offside of the boot anyway would mean it would look unequal in size when compared to the nearside as there is more room, due to the petrol filler taking up space on the offside part of the boot!if you have never attempted anything like this before, or anything in 'glass or filler than i would seriously go and see your local car audio shop and see if you can pick their brains or have a look at whats involved, workwise and cost! it would be far easier as a beginner to make a box to house both subs , up against the back seat and then make an amp rack/false floor in front and cover it in material of your choice.

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Hi Mark

Would have to agree with all of what Mat Dubloke said good builds take practice , you can make a decent build in various materials which looks pleasing to the eye and in keeping with all things vr. You might also find that by the time you have put a false floor in that fitting two 12" subs in and missing the shelf becomes a bit tricky. I have done a build which im well happy with that houses three amps two 10" subs a cd changer all covered in a material that matches the original boot cloth. If you want more info pm mate. 8) 8)

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I was going to do a fibre glass install im my car and i had nevr used the stuff b4. i started it and then a few days in reliased it wasnt going to happen.

in the end i used MDF and some nice cloth and i suprised my self with the result really.

fibre glass int that cheap and in what i did i can see it taking a long time.

but if your having a go then from what i found out you make a sructure from mesh with wood to srtenghten in places and then cover taht in fibre glass (sheet or paste like) depending on structure. Then you need to add filler and then sand down to a smooth finish. Then add stopper and sand that down.

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