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hello evry1... since this morning shes developed some kind of wierd whistle noise coming from around the alternator area??? ive sprayed a bit of silicone/grease spray on it cos i thought it might be the bearing??? any1 else had such noises from that area b4.. it doesnt do it all the time tho mainly at 3.5 k ....

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put a bolt in the belt tensioner bearing,thus releasing the tension on the belt[there is a marker with an arrow on the housing of the belt tensioner].if it still whistles chances are its something else.to check the state of the water pump look down on the pulley for the water pump to see if it is spinning true.prod a small/slender stick at the water pump pulley while the engine is running,if its easily moved chances the bearings in the pump are breaking down.

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Ben, have you sorted out your noise problem yet?

I have a similar noise coming from my car, I found that it was coming from a "check valve" which is on the right hand side of the engine bay next to the bulk head. I will be posting a photo of the part on the website once I have worked out how to do it. The original check valve was broken and I assumed that replacing it would be all that was necessary. However, after changing the part it started to make a noise around 3-4K rpm, Sounds similar to your symptoms. I don't know exactly what this part does but hopefully some of the other members will be able to shed some light on the matter. If I get any answers I will let you know.

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