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VR6 Mechanics in West Yorkshire

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HI Guys,

Im looking for a Vr6 machanic in West Yorkshire

I got my Vr6 last year and i want to do a few things to it but dont trust local garage to do stuff i want someone who knows the vr6 like the back of there hand and who can give me some advice about care an maintance im not very good with cars (like doing my own work on them) so looking forsomeone who wont rip me off saying you need this done and that just to get a few more quid out of you any help would be great

Thanks Nibsworld

Mk3 Vr6 1996

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theres another place in otley, cant remember the name of it, but its on westgate. its a vw specialist, and its only a small place, one of the lads who works there used to have a VR. and a lot of my mates know him because theyre all mechanics aswell, or they knew him from school.

ill get some details

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