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ns/f knocking sound , 2000 v6 4motion

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Hi, i have a sharp knocking sound coming from the nearside front when driving on uneven ground or slight potholes, this does it in a straight line driving normaly and not under just under load,,

i have tonight changed the drop link bar hoping it was this, at the end of last summer i had the 2 lower balljoints changed during service but this hasnt cured it either, i have been told it could be the top mount?? has anyone else suffered from this annoying knock? the car still drives and handles ok its just so frustrating not knowing, any answers much appreciated, scott

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my 4mo was giving a slight knock on any surface and whilst i took the motor out i took the wishbones off and found the rear bushes to be shot, got some cheap genuine wishbones with r32 bushes in, should sort it... So try bushes.

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I have the same and it's now worse after I hit a pothole and split my tyre, driving with the space saver on at the moment it's got really annoying, anything than perfectly smooth tarmac gives a knocking noise. The previous owner replaced the wishbones on that side, what's the most likely thing it could be in this case.... link rods, bushes or top mount? and any guides on here on how to change any of those?

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