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Turbo kit on ebay

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that it doesn't exist and its some person trying to make money out of selling nothing

they usually copy auctions from america and try to sell the same item in the uk even though they don't own it to sell and the winner will get nothing, or if they are lucky they will get a box filled with shite so that they have proof of posting for any investigation

it happened to me when i bought a set of alloys a couple of years ago, got 4 big boxs filled with news paper rubble and general shite. didn't go throught the proper channels but turned up at the guys door and after an 8 hour drive i wasn't happy but got the alloys in the end

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eBay is a minefield of International scams. Be careful out there. Find out a bit about any potential seller before you bid.

Ask for a photo of the item with a copy of today's newspaper somewhere in it. This puts off 99% of the dickheads.

Even if this was a genuine item, chances are that the US turbonetics kit wouldn't fit a RHD car anyway.

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