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Right i've searched and got a rough idea but need reassurance. My brakes are spongy to the feel but if i pump them whilst driving they come back to bite properly. I havn't had chance to whip the wheel off where i did my front bearing to see if i've kinked the hose anywhere. I'm just hoping its not the master cylinder gone as thats more money up the wall.

The discs and pads are only about 3-4 months old so should be fine. They just dont feel right to how they were.

I need to sort this soon as i kinda need my brakes for the ring trip!!!!

So anything for me to try will be appreciated.

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Right i've sorted the spongy brakes.....proper plank when I put em all back together. Instead of making sure that the retainer spring was at the bottom i had pushed it up so it was basicly pushing piston back after i had pressed on the brakes.

Oh well

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