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Posts posted by Bezman

  1. Just to say what a great club and forum this has been over the last three years. Never got too involved but was a great help with very Knowledgable members always ready to help.

    Sold the VR at Bug Jam Saturday. Was the Mulberry Highline if anyone was there.

    Missing that awsome growl already and because of that would never rule out owning another in the future. That car never missed a beat in the Three years We owned it, even the auto box performed like new even with 107 K on the clock.

    VR,s will always have my respect.

  2. Na Bezman they are both co*ks! so are most overpaid nylon wearers come to that' date=' Rugbys different but with the recent England rugby results i shall be wearing my New Zealand All Blacks shirt with pride!


    All this talk about about co*ks is beginning to worry me, will you be wearing your black shirt at the gay pride rally !!

  3. A German family head out one Saturday to do some shopping.

    While in the sports shop the son picks up an England football shirt and says to his sister, "I've decided to be an England supporter and I would like this for my birthday."

    His big sister is outraged by this and promptly whacks him round the head and says, "Go talk to your mother."

    So off goes the little lad with the white and red football shirt in hand and finds his mother.


    "Yes son?"

    "I've decided I'm going to be an England supporter and I would like this shirt for my birthday".

    The mother is outraged at this, promptly whacks him around the head twice and says, "Go talk to your father."

    Off he goes with the football shirt in hand and finds his father.


    "Yes son?"

    "I've decided I'm going to be an England supporter and I would like this shirt for my birthday."

    The father is outraged and promptly whacks his son around the head 4 times and says:

    "No son of mine is ever going to be seen in THAT!"

    About half an hour later they're all back in the car and heading towards home.

    The father turns to his son and says;

    "Son, I hope you've learned something today?"

    The son says,

    "Yes dad I have."

    "Good son, what is it?"

    The son replies,

    "I've only been an England supporter for an hour and already I hate you German B*stards

  4. Yeah was a great day and managed to top up on the sunburn already acquired up at the 'Derby' Epsom Downs on Saturday. (#) Some very nice Dubs on show. Trade stands were a bit thin on the ground but good to see the PHIRM attending and Sams car looking very cool. (h) First show visited in the VR and it felt good. Still not met anyone from this club yet though. Where are you all !! Think I'll stick to the football 40.000 pluss every other week at Stamford Bridge .LOL (so)

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