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I changed my throttle body on my Passat for a 2.9 one. I know people say it makes no difference but i'd had it for ages and i thought i'd give it a good clean up and stick it on anyway. It is actually different inside from the one i took off. Anyway after I fitted it i took the car for a wee test drive and was not best pleased. At around 2000rpm the car just dies but then if you give it full throttle it clears and revs as normal. If i hold it at the 2000rpm then it just misfire's a bit. I done a search on here and came across the TB alignment trick which i tried but i couldn't hear any noise coming from the TB while the ignition was on which was worrying. I left it like that for a bit and took her for another wee drive but it's still the same. On idle it's fine, it's only once i get to around the 2000rpm mark.

Would vagcom be the next step or is there any other options?

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