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Don't laugh... (2nd car decision)

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The T5 sounds fun Mark, but please insure it properly!

Otherwise, picture the situation when you have just had a major accident and are being taken away in an ambulance wearing your suit, the police investigate the accident and find it was your fault, there's pieces of computer equipment all around your smashed volvo, there's other people injured, and then your Insurance company void your policy as it's clear you using the car for business purposes, leaving you with an enormous debt you will be paying off for the rest of your life...... Ok, enough dramatics, just insure the thing properly!

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I'm after a black/Silver estate with the cream interior, if not black leather will do...#

Would not say no to red or yellow ones too..

May even go for salooon, not to fussed, but can't wait!!

I am insuring it properly, its only £20 more so why not! Even thought the place is 5 mins away from where my new house is! lol

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