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Hi, i bought the 6 branch raceland manifold from ebay. I have taken it to a garage to get it fit in but he said he cant do it because the pipe from the bottom is too straight whereas the original manifold is more curved from the bottom. also is it crucial to get it heatwrapped?

Any advice on how to get it fit in?

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Hi mate, I bought a raceland 6 branch manifold from ebay (Strictly Dubs) myself a month ago. There was no problem fitting it. It could be urs did not fit because of d manifold being for either OBD1 or OBD2 but not 100% sure.

Heatwrapp is crucial because things start to get hot which can cause power loss and start melting stuff or in the long run your manifod will eventually crack as a m8 of mine had dis experience wid his manifold

Uprate ur engine mounts is also crucial as i hav wid Vibra Technic.

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Conversely I was told by a specialist that heatwrapping actually makes stainless steel more brittle and prone to shearing because it gets far hotter - although it does aid heat transfer because it is hotter. Stainless steel can't handle heat very well compared to the stock manifold material.

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