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Right, basically i wanna just soften up the ride of my vr abit as its like riding with no suspension... ive got my coilovers as soft as they'll go, so im lookin at the tyre front.

I have 9 inch deep dish rims, Do you think gettin tyres will a larger profile ie 50's instead of 40's will make any ods and are there any draw backs?

the reason im lookin at profile over width is that i can go up in my arches abit more, just not out much more...

and do you think it will matter havin 215/40/16s on the bak and then whatever on the front ie will different tyres cause probs?

any thoughts would be great.

cheers people.

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it WILL put your speedo out even more, plus 215/50/16 wont be cheap i wouldnt of thought, thing is, you put low profile tyres and an extreme uprated suspension on a car like you have and u wonder why its a harsh ride. :) it can be done yes, but you need to make sure u get the right load rating for the car and expect it to be a completely different car to drive/look at. there is nothing to say you cant put different profiles front to back but they have to be the same size/profile on the axel, hope ive been a help :)

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Yes it will soften it up with higher profile yes. If your wheel diam is 16 then you should stick to 45 profile to keep the rolling radius the same as stock (otherwise it will put your speedo and gearing out). If you're going to 17 wheels then I'd stick with 40 profile. Higher profile also improves acceleration.

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